Ilze Henderson is the author of
this site. She started her professional career as a Chartered
Accountant and a Certified Internal Auditor, but has since followed
the calling of the Lord in her life. She started writing Christian
fiction books in 2007 and subsequently published five books, namely
'The Bible: Behind the Scenes', 'Life's Journey: Directed by God',
'The Truth', 'Paradise Calling' and 'The Second Creation'. She
feels that the Lord truly encouraged her to write these books to
introduce His Story from a different point of view and to assist
people in their life's journey and struggles. The books also
provide the platform for her to encourage others through presenting
presentations on various topics.
- She believes she was called by the Lord to inspire and motivate
- Her hope is that she would inspire people to turn to the Lord
with renewed love in their hearts for Him.
- She also wants to help people understand their purpose in life
and make the most of their own God given journey.
She believes that each person has a
specific purpose in life. The problem is that most people do
not follow their purpose and can quickly become discouraged by the
worries of this life. They live their lives with no real prospects
as they either didn't listen to God's calling, or were too busy to
hear His Voice or they made excuses as to why they couldn't do it.
She truly believes that everyone could experience something
extraordinary in their lives if they opened themselves to the
tender Voice of the Lord calling them to follow Him.