The Lord has a special plan for your life - Discover
your mandate today!
The Lord wants you to know that He has a very special plan for
your life. He wants to use you in a unique way, either where you
are at the moment, or where He wants to lead you. The question is
whether you are open to His calling or do you have several excuses
like Moses did? Are you happy with your life as it is or are you
ready to join forces with the Almighty God to live the life He has
planned for you?
Bible verse
Jeremia 29:11-13: "For I know the plans I have for you," says
the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give
you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will
listen. If you look for Me in earnest, you will find Me when you
seek Me."
In two sessions Ilze helps you to discover your purpose in
this life. She helps you to hear from God what your specific
calling, your mandate in life is. This has the potential to alter
your life and to help you handle difficult situations with much
more ease. These sessions also include prophetic word received from
God just for you. Ilze will present a document to you outlining
your mandate, your calling. This will truly help you on your road
ahead. These sessions can be either face to face or per Whatsapp
call. So no matter where you live in the world, this exciting new
step in your life is only a phone call away.