Monthly Archives: September 2010

40. Find God's will

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 2 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV)

"For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men." 1 Peter 2:15 (NKJV)

I often times hear My children say something to the following effect: 'If only we knew the will of God.' Or 'We can never know the will of God, He is too difficult to understand.' And so I can go on. The sad part is that My will is open, available to all My children through My Scriptures. My will is for My children to rejoice always, to pray without ceasing and to give thanks to Me for everything that I bless them with. My will is also that they allow My Spirit free reign within them to change them from glory to glory to become like My Son and to do good in all situations to all men. My will is that My Kingdom expand through the workings of My children. That is My will. I want My children to excel, and I want them to grow into the fullness of who they are in Me. It is actually so simple. But when one is carnally minded, focused on this world and earthly acclaim it is very difficult to understand. But when you are spiritually minded you are at ease, because My life and My peace will flow through you, changing your world around you. Be open to My leading, listen to My voice whispering to you, then you cannot go wrong. When you walk as My representative in this world, you are walking on My pathways and within My will. How liberating is that? You needn't walk like those in the world without clear direction, no, you will be walking on your God-ordained path, with flowers and streams decorating the path.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)

39. Find your real treasure

"This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to His own holy people. For it has pleased God to tell His people that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. For this is the secret: Christ lives in you, and this is your assurance that you will share in His glory." Colossians 1:26, 27

Do you realise the significance of the statement that I live within you? Do you realise that I, in My fullness live inside of you? Feel the burning sensation within and come to the realisation that Someone bigger than this Universe is inside of you, governing your life. Someone with infinite wisdom is whispering ancient secrets to you. Unzip these secrets in this life. Everywhere lies hidden treasures, waiting to be discovered.  I will help you to discover them. All you need to do is to read My Word and to renew your mind to a point where you believe what it says about the real you, the new spirit that you are. Then go out and share your revelation and appreciate the things in life that really matters most. Therein lies your treasure, more valuable than gold sprinkled with diamonds. The richest atheists have discovered at their death bed that all the treasures in the world couldn't save them, because at the end of the day it wasn't treasures at all. Your true treasure is hidden in Me, and when you are joined to Me, you will find it, everlasting and without rot and decay, far above this world. All the rushing of this earth amounts to nothing. Time spent with Me encompasses everything. Come and discover more and more who you truly are in Me. I have so much to show you, so much to teach you and with every passing moment spent with Me you will be lifted higher and elevated above this world. Your life will be more rewarding than ever, sharing in My glory.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)

38. God did not give us a spirit of fear

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear doesn't come from Me. Fear is one of the weapons used by My enemy to keep My beloved paralysed and unable to fulfil their destinies. He doesn't want them to operate in the fullness of who they are in Me, and therefore he immobilises them with fearful scenarios. And unfortunately My beloved fall for that. They fear their children's future, they fear that they might contract a deadly disease, they fear that they will never make progress at work, they fear that they won't have enough money to live by etc. And today I tell you, don't fear the unknown. My Spirit is not present in fear. Fear robs you from the joy of living in My Presence. Fear is not from Me and when I call you into the unknown, step out knowing that I am waiting to take your hand. I am with you every step of the way. Never be afraid. You and I are one. I have overcome everything the darkness can ever throw at you. I have exposed all their so called power and defeated them at the cross. Therefore believe in Me and in My Word and take the first step, confident and bold. You are My Body here on this earth, and you share in My divine nature. You are destined to reign with power, love and self-discipline. And when you are armed with My power, My love and the ability to be disciplined in your walk with Me, you can accomplish anything. Look forward to a future without fear, a future with heavenly prospects.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)

37. Use the sword of God

"Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." Ephesians 6:17

"He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His title was the Word of God. On His robe and thigh was written this title: King of kings and Lord of lords." Revelation 19:13, 16

Take up your sword and be ready to proclaim My Word over your life. Only My Word is true. Only My Word can fill your life with power. Do not believe the lies that My enemy wants to proclaim over your life. Do not listen to him, but rather fill yourself with the power of My Word. Claim Scripture over your life. Claim it on a daily basis. Live and breathe My Word. I wish My children would realise the awesome power in their hands. My Word is God breathed, it is My authority, and it is who I am. I am the Word that came in human form. So when you claim Scripture, you are claiming My mighty power over situations.  No evil can stand against it; it is helpless, totally devoid of power in My presence. So use your sword, My Word and trample over them. Use your sword and stand firm in the victory that I bought for you at the cross. Use your sword and reinstate My blessings in your life. Speak it out loud, it is God breathed, it is Me. My title is the Word of God, mighty and powerful, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Sadly a large part of My children do not read My Word, do not make it a part of their daily routine. The news gets more attention than My Word does. Take a stand to end this today. See My Word as the true lifesaver that it is and live within the glory it brings.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)

36. Reign in life

"...the church is His body; it is filled by Christ, who fills everything everywhere with His presence." Ephesians 1:23

"Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth." Colossians 3:2

You are not part of this world. You are part of Mine. My world is not like the world where you live in today. In My world there is no sickness, no pain, no crying, no evil, and no failures. And you are part of it. Believe Me when I tell you that you are a supernatural being, part of something so much greater. My Spirit within you is supernatural and you are part of My Body which is also supernatural. Therefore live within the supernatural. Live like someone whose mind is fixed on above and not on the things down below. Live like someone with a heavenly hope. Do not allow the natural to upset you, or to keep you down. Do not allow this world to belittle you. Lift up your head and proclaim the supernatural into your life. It is your birthright as part of My family. All things are possible with Me. When My will becomes your will, you will be unstoppable; you will reign in life just as I promised you would through your spiritual father Abraham. You will be able to stand firm during the storms of life and you will be able to walk on water, above it all. You will be able to do all of this, because this world is not your home. Come and be home in Mine. You will love it there. Come and curl up on the sofa and know that you are deeply loved and greatly blessed.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)

119. New Year 2024

This is the beginning of a new year, 2024 and what a privilege it is to be able to experience it. What a privilege to experience life! God has wonderful things planned for us for this year and we can all wait in anticipation of it! God wants to lead us all into the special plan He has for our lives. We simply need to make the time with Him to hear and understand what it is. Then we need to be obedient and follow His plan, and if we do, we will experience fulfillment like never before. He knows your weaknesses and your strengths and He knows what will work best for you. Take His Hand and follow His leading, you will not be disappointed. This can be your best year yet, but give control over to Him. Let Him lead your way, He knows best.

God showed me that 2+0+2+4 = 8. And 8 is the number of new beginnings. When God unveiled this in my spirit I was very excited. I do not know what you have been dreaming about or what you have been believing God for, but this is the year for new beginnings. Even if it is just a new beginning in the way you think, in the way you conduct yourself or in the way you choose to view the world, it will make all the difference. We all have a choice in life how we are going to view things. We have a choice as to the thoughts we allow in, as our thoughts turn into words, our words into actions and actions determine the course of our lives. And it all started with a thought. We need to align our thoughts to what the Lord determined for our lives according to His Word. We needn't listen to negative news and predictions for our lives, our country, the economy etc. We are masters of our own destiny, when we follow His Word, think according to it and believe what He says to be true.

"I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who else can tell you what is going to happen in the days ahead? Let them tell you if they can (and they can't), and thus prove their power." Isaiah 44:6,7 "I carry out the predictions of My prophets!" Isaiah 44:26

Friends, trust God with your future and nothing and no one else. He is waiting for you to come to Him and He will direct your every step. You simply need to look up to Him, focus your thoughts on what is true of you because of Him, then stand back and watch what new things He can bring about in your life. I received the following verse from the Lord for you for this year. May God bless you abundantly and may you look back to 2024 as a year when your walk with the Lord deepened and a year in which you found inner peace, knowing that you are on God's track for your life.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

Thank you God that You love us. Thank you for the wonderful things that You are planning for us. We look forward to 2024, knowing that You are already there, guiding us on the best pathway for our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen

118. Christmas 2023

Christmas, what a wonderful time of the year to celebrate the coming of our Savior, the One who came to reconcile us with God the Father. He came so that light can return to the earth and so that we can be overcomers alongside Him. The epistle of John tells us clearly that we are overcomers, not because we have done something to deserve it, but simply because we believe in Jesus, the Son of God:

"For whoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" 1 John 5:4, 5

We are overcomers, because Jesus came to save us. He brought the victory on our behalf and now we can live our lives from that victory. In Revelation Jesus promises many things for us who are overcomers and that is my message for you for Christmas 2023. Go and spend time with God and ask Him to reveal to you what each of these gifts entail and what it means to you today. These gifts as powerful and have the ability to change your life and your outlook on it. Allow me to share these gifts with you:

-          To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

-          He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death. Revelation 2:11

-          To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it. Revelation 2:17

-          And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations and I will give him the morning star (who is Jesus Himself - Revelation 22:16). Revelation 2:26, 28

-          He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. Revelation 3:5

-          He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on Him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of Heaven from My God. And I will write on Him My new Name. Revelation 3:12

-          To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, and I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. Revelation 3:21

Aren't these promises just amazing? These gifts are for us NOW already, not just someday. We can claim it now. God promises that we can eat of the tree of life, we won't be hurt by the second death, we will have hidden manna to eat as well as receive a new name. We will receive power over the nations and will have Jesus by our side. Our names are in the Book of Life and we are pillars in His Temple with His Name written on us. And ultimately, we can sit with Jesus on His throne. How wonderful is that? Meditate on these seven promises this Christmas. Ask God to reveal more to you and to unveil to you what your new name is. His revelations will be the best Christmas gift, don't you think?

Father, thank you so much for gifting us with all these promises even though we did nothing to deserve it. We love You and praise You and lift Your Name up high. Please reveal more to us and help us to understand fully what You have blessed us with. Thank you for sending Jesus to open up the way for us. We are eternally grateful. Amen.

35. The Spiritual Key

"But people who aren't Christians can't understand these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means." 1 Corinthians 2:14

"But the spirit who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him." 1 Corinthians 6:17

Spirit connects with Spirit. Only your spirit connected with Mine, can truly understand the supernatural. The carnal mind cannot understand spiritual things and will never be able to do so. The carnal mind only thinks about what is best for him, what he can see, feel and hear. The carnal mind lives only for this world and all the worldly pleasures it brings. It will not yield to Me because it doesn't understand spiritual things and I am Spirit. Therefore rather praise and connect with Me in Spirit and in truth. Our Spirits are one, but you need to renew your mind so that your mind will realign with your spirit. Only then you will experience secret words unspoken, love unspeakable and joy unfathomable. When you connect with Me spiritually, I will open up the treasures of heaven and the sparkling jewel box of secrets it has to offer. My Spirit will revive you and lead you on to life everlasting. You already have eternal life pulsating through your veins, and when you dance with Me in the Spiritual realm, you will feel it manifesting in your mortal body. I came to give life and life more abundantly. Take hold of this life and let the excitement mount. I have so much to offer you, come My child, come. I am waiting for you with open arms. On the dance floor of this life, I truly hope you choose Me to dance with. Dancing with the worldly system of prestige and looks are detrimental to your soul. Dancing with Me opens up the windows of opportunities calling out your name.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)

34. Soar above it all

"....God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes." Ephesians 1:4

"....He has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before Him without a single fault." Colossians 1:22

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come." My angels continue to sing day and night. They glorify Me and give Me honour. And they sing the truth. I am Holy and so are My children, born of the Spirit. Therefore take My gift of righteousness and clothe yourself with it. It is a free gift, purchased by My precious blood. When My Father looks at you now, He sees Me, holy and set apart. Your sins are washed away by My once and for all sacrifice. Our Father will look upon your sins no more. I took the penalty for your sins, so that you never have to pay the price. The mercy seat has My blood to cover all your sins. And because it does, you have access to heaven and you can soar above it all. This cursed world is not your home anymore. Your home is with Me and when you live above it all, you are connected with Me in a very special way. You needn't wander in spiritual darkness any more. You are children of the light. Let this revelation sink into the deepest part of your soul. Allow this knowledge to consume your heart and to take over your life. When you truly realize the truth about yourself, joy and love will be your constant companion, your guide. You will be set free from the evil powers of this world hindering your progress. You have My power within, guiding and loving you. Focus your thoughts on the Truth and live for Someone greater than yourself. Live for My Kingdom and all things will be given unto you.

(Excerpt from God Whispers by Ilze Henderson)


33. Jesus' Bride

Yonatan looked back at the globe and as he looked intently and with concentration he could see a few lights walking like Jesus on the earth-a few people really dedicated to following Him and allowing Him to work through them. He shook his head as he realized that of the eight billion people only a very small number of lights were left. How very sad.

"Let Me show you something that will liberate you even more. Look closely at those lights." Yonatan kept looking at the faint, glittering lights. And as he did, he noticed something he hadn't seen before; their lights were going up into the atmosphere. He kept on looking and could see their lights extending beyond the stars and the galaxies until finally he saw what Father wanted him to see. They were connected with His Kingdom. Every step they took on earth, they took in His Kingdom too. Yonatan once again marveled at the goodness of God. They were literally living as part of His Kingdom now already. It was not something for just someday, but the here and now. And as they walked on earth, all benefits and privileges associated with His Kingdom was theirs too. Both worlds were connected in a unique and special way. These people were literally not part of this world anymore. They were almost like aliens roaming on a planet that wasn't their own. And because they were, the concerns of this planet didn't faze them at all. Riches and fame weren't their primary concern, stress melted away and future plans intertwined with God's. This planet literally wasn't their home anymore. All that mattered now was His Kingdom and the advancement of it. And during their lives, His Kingdom started to manifest on the earth through them and all around them. They were walking in blessings, in grace, in His love.

Then the scenery started to change. All those lights in His Kingdom started to dance and ignite. They danced in utter delight, moving in unison as one. Twirling, moving, and worshipping as one. The lights twinkled, alive and full of zest. In their movement, they started to merge, and from within them a flawless figure surfaced. The lights danced and spiraled around her; like stars they took on different shapes and colors, spiraling like galaxies in utter delight. The figure started to transform, shapes were realigned, and out of the light an exquisite beauty emerged. She was unparalleled in splendor, her grace and poise from out of this world. She was dressed in a flowing white robe, glistening in the light, cascading a kaleidoscope of colors. Her poise portrayed royalty, her smile the sun. She stood proud, not in an arrogant way, but knowing who she was. Her stamp of authority materialized, and she stepped elegantly forward. Angels gathered around her. She was gracious in her tenure, filled with respect for them. The angels were indescribable, yet they were merely an adoring crowd supporting her, clearly caring for her, ready to attend to her every need. She smiled at them and thanked them for their help. They bowed slightly before her, and she returned the gesture. She smiled kindly, but her smile broadened as she noticed Someone approaching her. Her eyes softened and clear adoration was unveiled. She clearly forgot all about the angels with her; her attention was captivated. She started walking toward Him. Light danced and glimmering flickers surrounded each step she took, all the while looking in front of her, her smile igniting as she stopped. Jesus was standing in front of her.

He had a golden crown on His head and a golden sash proclaiming that He was King of kings and Lord of lords. He was the embodiment of royalty, the Lord of authority, having the universe in His hands. He had only eyes for her. His smile ignited as He extended His hand toward her. Lovingly she took His hand and, as she did, the orchestra of all time started to play. Heavenly music danced through the expanse, encircling them in utter delight. In a moment, they were surrounded by the whole host of angels. They stood in a circle around the two and all of them stared at them in adoration. Jesus and His wife started to dance on the beat of the music. He took her affectionately in His arms, and together they moved as graceful as swans across the floor. As their feet touched the ground, light escalated, and colors exploded. Sparks were flying between them and all around them. They moved as one, deeply in love. Their eyes were locked in unison; their dedication to one another unmistakable. Everyone was mesmerized by this dance of love. It was the epitome of all that was good, all that was intended with love. The music consumed them. Their feet moved in such unison, their minds were one, and there was no one else in the world except them. Nothing else mattered, nothing else was important, only the love they had for one another. They were one, and no one was going to separate them ever again. In His arms she was safe, in His arms she was alive, in His arms she was who she was supposed to be. In His arms she could be herself, and He loved her. Forever they would be as one. They had eternity to spend together. He had eternity to show her so many things. They were smitten, eyes only for one another. It was the most beautiful sight in the world. Jesus and His wife dancing as one, transformed into one, one in thought, one in mind, one in love.


(Excerpt from God's Answer by Ilze Henderson)