Monthly Archives: October 2016

2. Temple 1 - Continue doing good

As you all probably know, King Solomon built the first Temple for God. His father, King David desperately wanted to build the Temple for God, but God said no, he had shed too much blood in the process of securing the safety of Israel. God said he could help his son prepare for the Temple, but he wasn't going to built it. King David's heart was in the right place, and started to prepare for the Temple even though he knew he was never going to build it or see the end result. He collected all the gold, silver, bronze, iron and wood as well as great quantities of precious stones for the Temple. And at the end of his life he gave all of his own private treasures as well - 112 tons of gold and 262 tons of silver. David also encouraged the other leaders to do the same and they gave 188 tons of gold, 10 000 gold coins, 375 tons of silver, 675 tons of bronze, 3 750 tons of iron and numerous precious stones (1 Chron 29:2-8). And they gave it willingly and wholeheartedly to God (1 Chron 29:6, 9). King David laid the foundation for his son, and made it so easy for him to start.

And that is our lesson for today and one I had to learn many times over in my life. Sometimes we are only the ones laying the foundation for others to continue. Many times we won't even see the growth of the seeds we planted and never see the end result. This might discourage us. I know, because it has happened to me often. I have started many groups, that I had to leave before it really grew into a 'success' story. I have sent messages to people that I feel led to, never to hear from them again. I have prayed for people that I never again saw in my life. I have given money to people that I never knew what happened afterwards. I have given some of my books to people in hotels, trains etc, and I never know if it meant something to them or not, I just felt led to give it to them. And so I can go on and on. And then I get despondent sometimes feeling as if I do not make such a big difference, as I seldom see the end result. And then I feel like giving up and not follow the promptings of His Spirit as it sometimes feel as if it leads to nothing. But the Lord placed the following strongly on my heart:

"You don't need to see success, the end result of lives being changed, but I do. You are My hands and feet, reach out and do your part and I will take it further. Do not allow the devil to lie to you and tell you that your part do not make a difference, it does. You are integrally part of the process, part of the change that I want to see in this world. Embrace it and follow the prompting of My Spirit. Then you cannot go wrong. Never ever feel insignificant, never feel that what you are about to do won't make any difference, it will. I am with you and will lead you unto new paths and new opportunities. Do My will and make Me proud. You are just as important as the 'famous' one finishing off what you started."

I then knew without a doubt that we need to do our part. We need to prepare to build the 'temple'. Sometimes we will experience success and see the end result, but mostly we won't. Mostly we will never know what happened in the end. But that is when we need to trust in God, trust that He knows best. Who knows, maybe your kind action that day led someone to the Lord and he became a great missionary, changing thousands of lives. Maybe another person prayed to God for a sign that He cares and then you showed up and paid for their groceries. You might never know, but live with expectancy that all your actions make a big difference. Expect that God will use it for great things. Live with an expectation of good and never ever give up doing good! Don't ever become despondent. Instead be excited. Look forward to today and see all the opportunities that present itself to further the Kingdom of God. Go out and be His hands and feet and make a difference in this world.

Thank you Father that You have a plan for each of us. Thank you so much for all Your goodness and grace. Give us the courage and the sensitivity to listen to Your Spirit and to go out and make a difference in this world. You are so good and we are excited to be part of Your plan. Amen


1. The seven Temples of God

  1. I am very excited to announce that we are starting with a new series, entitled - The seven Temples of God.

This might interest you that there was and is going to be seven temples in total. Within the next couple of weeks we are going to discuss these seven temples in detail and see what we can learn from them.

First of all, let us start with the interesting facts of where the first and the second Temple were built.

You all know the Biblical event where Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac. He was supposed to offer Isaac on Mt Moriah (Genesis 22:2). God was in fact only testing him, He would never have allowed Abraham to sacrifice his only son. God provided a ram in the nick of time and Abraham could make this offering to Him there on the altar he built to offer his son on.

A second Biblical event of significance is where King David took a census of the size of his army (1 Chronicles 21). It was a sin in God's eyes, as it meant that King David was depending more on the size of his army than on God helping them. God therefore gave King David a choice between three punishments, either three years of famine, three months of being given into the hands of his enemies or three days of punishment from God. King David chose the latter and God started to inflict the people with a plague. The plague only stopped three days later, but unfortunately with 70 000 casualties. When the Lord instructed the angel to restrain his hand, he stood by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.  Then the Lord commanded Gad to tell David to go and erect an altar to the Lord at this threshing floor of Ornan. So David went immediately and bought the threshing floor from Ornan for 600 shekels of gold. He built the altar and offered burnt and peace offerings to the Lord there. The Lord answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offerings. Then the Lord commanded the angel, and he returned his sword to its sheath and returned to heaven.

Now the reason I highlighted these two events is because this is exactly the same place that both these events took place. And also the place where the Temple was built:

"Now Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to his father David, at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite." 2 Chronicles 3:1

Isn't that interesting? It is the same place where the patriarch of the Jewish family, Abraham made an offering and also the place where the Jews' greatest King, David also made an offering to the Lord.

And today we are part of their heritage. We are also children of Abraham in the faith (Galatians 3:7) and we are also descendants of King David, because of Jesus living within us and He was a direct descendant of King David.

What can we learn from them today? Both of them understood their dependency on God. They both knew that He was in charge, and they both followed His voice and offered burnt offerings to Him on an altar. Today we needn't make burnt offerings on altars anymore, because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for us and atoned for our sins. But in a sense we still have things to offer to God at the altar of His grace. We need to offer our future to Him, all our future plans should be placed in His hands. We need to offer of our time, we need to set aside all our ambitions and plans and give honour and glory to God Almighty. We should offer our family to Him as He knows best. We should offer our future to Him and place our lives in His hands. We need to have an eternal Temple perspective as we approach Him, our Holy God. We need to understand our dependence on God as Abraham and King David did. We need to internalize that He is in charge and that He knows best. We need to let go and let God as we learned last week.

Total dependency is what God wants. We will discuss His Temple furthermore in the coming weeks, but know the main aim of the Temple was that God wanted them to come to Him with everything and He wanted to live amongst them to bless them. And today the principle is the same. He wants us to come to Him with everything and allow Him to be God in our lives. Are you ready to give over today?

Father, we give over. We surrender. We want to offer You everything that is important in our lives. We want to offer our future to you and we want to offer our lives into Your wonderful capable hands. You are the God of more than enough, and we trust in You. We walk deliberately in Your footsteps. We love and praise You. Amen

92. Let go and let God

Let go and let God. Haven't we all heard that statement a number of times? I have heard it so often that it has lost its impact for me. It becomes one of those mundane things you hear. For me it became a cliché.

But I heard it loud and clear again this week. I heard it in my spirit. Let go and let God. And I want you to hear it this week too. What does it practically mean to let go and to let God? Does it mean we must look the other way and pretend that nothing was wrong? Should we hide our face in the ground like an ostrich and pretend that everything is okay? Should we sit back and expect things to fall into our laps? Should we stop doing our part and just trust that all will fall into place?

I think through the questions I asked you probably answered the questions for yourself.

No, you shouldn't sit back and do nothing. And no, by letting go you are not saying that your problems don't exist.  By letting go you are acknowledging them, but you are choosing to not let your problems get under your skin. You are in fact saying: 'Yes, I see you, you are there, but I have a God much stronger and more capable than you. I have a God of more than enough as My Father. I have a Father Who can see the future, Who knows the best for me and Who will not allow evil to befall me.'

You see I realized again that we are children of the Most High God. Princes of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are the kings and lords that He is King and Lord over. And if we truly realize that we are, then what do we have to worry about?

Have you ever seen the Queen of England worrying about her finances? No, of course not, she is a billionaire. Can you also ever imagine her looking after her own safety, checking if all the doors of Buckingham Palace are locked? No, of course not, she has a whole team of safety specialists looking after her safety.

And so I can go on, but you get the point. Now why are we any different? Our Father is infinitely richer than she will ever dream to be and He has all the 'safety specialists' lined up to protect us. So why are we so worried? Why are we so stressed out? Well, the answer really is because we trust more in what we can see around us than in the living God. We trust more in the news we receive than in the Bible. And that is why we are frantic and stressed out. If His Kingdom and all it entails was more of a reality to us than this world, we will be relaxed, filled with all His goodness and His Shalom peace.

We need to learn to look up, to follow Him and to trust Him above all else. Trust in a God that is good and wants only the best for you. Expect good rather than evil to befall you. Let go of all the stress you are holding on to. Let go of all the junk wearing you down. Rather surround yourself with the surreal experience of walking hand in hand with God, following Him wherever He goes. He knows best.

Let go and let God. Acknowledge the issue, then do your best in all situations, give it to Him and go on with your life, knowing that He will work out all things for your good (Romans 8:28).

Father please help us to live a 'let go' life. Help us to look up to You and not our problems. We give it all to You and trust You to help us and to show us the way. We love You. Amen


45. Take up your armor as God's son

This week I am ending off this series of Kingdom living. I truly hope you have learned as much as I have. His Kingdom is marvellously glorious and we are part of it. And we are not merely part of it; we are part of it as His sons, royalty. I know I wrote a devotion about being God's son about a year ago, but I feel it is fitting to mention it again and to end off this series with this wonderful truth. Let me just build up your faith by quoting a couple of Scriptures from God's Word once again:

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." Romans 8:14, 16

"For you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ." Galatians 3:26

"For as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God." John 1:12

"I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:18

We are God's sons and a son of God abides in His house forever:

"And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever." John 8:36

We are forever in the house of God. God the Father, the Supreme Being over all the galaxies, planets, stars and heavens is our Father. And we can stay with Him forever. We are part of His Kingdom forever. The moment we accepted Jesus into our lives our spirits were reborn into His Kingdom and there we will remain forever. The first part of our Kingdom living will be on earth and the second (and much longer part) will be physically alongside Him.

We have learned that in His Kingdom as God's sons we are destined to reign, we are royalty, we are healthy, we are blessed, we are co-heirs with Jesus Christ and so much more. The benefits of the Kingdom is overwhelming and the love of God cascading down on us is extraordinary. We simply need to make it our own. As sons, we need to imitate our Father and become just like Him. As sons we need to make Him proud and show all unbelievers how privileged we are in order to lure them in.

Our Father looks after us, what do we have to be afraid of? Our Father protects us, why are we so scared? Our Father provides, why are we so worried? Our Father loves us, why do we act so unloved? Our Father sustains us, why do we run to other sources?

Stand up as the son that you are. Know who you are and walk in the reality of what is true of you. Live out Kingdom principles and be the son of God you were destined to be.

God has such a special plan for you, such a unique place to fill. Walk right into it and allow Kingdom living to manifest. This world needs the sons of God to stand up and be counted. This world is groaning, waiting for the sons of God to free it from distress. Allow the Spirit of God to arise within you and to change this world through you. You are His flesh and blood. Act like it. Act like you believe it. Then spiritual powers will be unleashed, chains broken and prisoners set free. Revival will break out, souls will be saved and the Kingdom of God will advance in a dark world. Stand up, the time has come, there cannot be delays any longer. The sons of God need to take up their swords and unleash the victory of Christ upon this world. The powers of darkness will fall back; they have no ground to stand on. Wear the helmet of salvation, the body armour of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of Good News and swing your sword. Victory is ours. The Grace of God will be mightily with you. His Word has declared it so. Be strong and courageous, the King of kings has already overcome this world.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah on High! All glory to You oh God! You are mighty, awesome and deeply loved. We exalt You on high. We praise You and magnify Your Name forever and ever! Amen

44. By His stripes you have been healed (1)

We are anointed because we have the Anointed One living within us. And as we have seen last week, because we are anointed we also have the authority given to us from Above. We have the authority to do what He would have done on this earth. And we need to walk in that authority. We walk in it because we are part of His Kingdom already, where all love and peace resides. We are part of a Kingdom where God wants us to enjoy all that He blesses us with. And in this light we can understand the following text verses concerning our health better:

"...who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed." 1 Peter 2:24

"And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases." Psalm 103:2, 3

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2

We were healed by the stripes of Jesus. How? By Him taking our punishment and transferring us into His Kingdom. And in His Kingdom none are sick. We can walk in the freedom of being in His Kingdom. Plus His Name is Yehovah Rapha, translated as "I am the Lord your Healer." That is one of God's Names. And He lives within us. Therefore we can say that the Healer lives within us, and if He lives within us, health and healing flow. God's best for us is to be healthy. And that is why Jesus could give the following command to His disciples before He left:

"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My Name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." Mark 16:17, 18

Notice that it is a command that Jesus gave to all that believe, in other words, us as believers. We are supposed to lay our hands on the sick and they should get healed. Why? Because the Healer lives within us and He is doing the healing through us. His life is flowing through our veins and when we lay our hands on the sick, the life is transferred to them.

God truly thought of everything. We must just be spiritually minded and believe that this is true. We should not be carnally minded and focus on this world, because then we will reap death (Romans 8:6). We should focus on Jesus and His finished work and then we will reap life and peace (Romans 8:6).

This life is not about us, it is not about us receiving glory for being able to heal the sick. No, this life is about Jesus, focusing on Him and allowing His life and peace to flow through us, in us and to others. He wants us to walk in Divine health, because then we can do Kingdom work to our utmost best. Our health is not for our benefit, though God loves us, but is there to be used to the good of all and to reach out to those in need. Use your health wisely, look to God for healing if need be and go out and be like Him in this world.

Thank you Father for providing the way for us. Thank you for our entrance into Your throne room, thank you that we are allowed to be there. And when we are there we can experience Your health, Your life and Your goodness. And once we do, we can share that with others too. We rejoice and love You. Amen




43. You are anointed

Jesus nourishes us and takes care of us. We are partakers of Him and members of His body and therefore we can partake in His Divine nature and be as He is in this world. We can share the oracles of God with this world and be free to be like Him and to care for this world. We learned all of that last week. And because we are part of Him, we are anointed like He was:

"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things." 1 John 2:20

All of us as Christians have an anointing from God. Not just certain special people but all of us. Why? Because the Anointed One lives within us. And notice, due to our anointing we know all things. This corresponds with 1 Corinthians 2:16 that tell us that we have the mind of Christ. And by default if you have the mind of Christ, you know all things. You see the more time you spend with God, the more you read the Bible and truly get to know Him, the more you will start to believe what is true of you in the spirit. And when you start to believe what is true of you in the spirit, true wisdom will manifest and His Spirit will start flowing in mighty torrents through you achieving His will in this world. You simply need to believe that you are anointed.

And once you believe that you are anointed and you allow Him to flow through you, you will go out and change the world, bit by bit. Jesus will be by your side and nothing shall by any means hurt you:

"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19

As His anointed ones, He has also given us authority to go out and be His hands and feet in this earth. Once again we only have this authority because He lives within us and He is King of all kings, supreme over all. And He works through us. Do not even stress about how you are going to share His Word and do what He would have done, because at the end of the day it is not you doing it. It is Him and all Him. And therefore He should receive all the glory forevermore! You just need to be open to be used.

Therefore we need to exercise ourselves towards godliness. We must exercise our faith muscles by reading and doing the Word of God.

"...exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come." 1 Timothy 4:7, 8

Godliness is profitable both for now and for the life hereafter. This life is already part of the heavenly life. We are part of His Kingdom now already, and therefore we need to start acting as if we are. We need to start acting as if this is true and portray the characteristics of a Godly life. We are His Kingdom representatives. Stand tall and present His values to this world. Whether you are in the board room, the class room, the shops, the sporting field or at home. You need to represent Him in all aspects.

We are part of His family and therefore He can be trusted. After all His main aim for us is to love Him, to enjoy life and to present Him to the world. It is as simple as that. I would like to end off with a verse that confirms that God is a good God and that He supplies for us so that we can enjoy this life:

"Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy." 1 Timothy 6:17

Stand up in your anointing and be like Him in this world, loving, full of peace and enjoying all things.

Thank you Father for all Your riches. Thank you that You give us so much. Thank you for the anointing and authority that we have due to Your wonderful Son Jesus Christ. We praise and honour You forever and ever. Amen

42. Share the oracles of God (1)

We are part of God's Kingdom now already. We are the blessed ones, where everything will work out for our good. We live with the King of kings living within us. He nourishes us and therefore we can grow with the increase that is from God:

"Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God." Colossians 2:18, 19

Jesus nourishes us. Synonyms for the word 'nourish' is encourage, feed, nurture, promote, support etc. Jesus therefore encourages us never to give up, He feed us with the Word of God, He nurtures us and takes care of us, He promotes us to the next spiritual level, and He supports us in our dreams and helps us to achieve them. He does all this for us. Why? Because He loves us and we are part of His body. That is why Hebrews 3:14 tells us:

"For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end."

We are partakers of Christ. We are a member of His body, part and parcel of Him. Sit back and truly think about it. What will be impossible for you if the God of the impossible is part of you? He lives in all His fullness within you. And that is why you should be able to speak the oracles of God to this world:

"If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to Whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever." 1 Peter 4:11

You can speak with the oracles of God, not only ministers and ordained preachers. If you are a Christian you have His Spirit living within you and because you do, you can speak with the oracles of God. If you spend time with Him and get to know His heart for this world, you should stand up and share these revelations with the world. God will start sharing His vision for this world with you and you can start sharing it with others. God wants His children to be rivers. He wants us to receive word from Him and then He wants us to share. He doesn't want us to be like dams, hoarding all we receive from Him and not sharing it with others.

God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to die and save the world. Notice that He loved the whole world. None is left out and it is the duty of those that have seen the light to go out and spread His light. Jesus will nourish you and provide for you. He will care for you and help you. He will be right by your side, cheering you on. Even more than that, He will be inside of you, cheering you on.

You are an ordained son of God; stand up in all that you are, right there where you are. Share His precious words and see how His Word comes to life. It is powerful and has the ability to change lives for the better. It has the ability to do wonders and to leave all breathless and amazed, wanting more. Be part of this, it will be more than worth it.

Thank you Father for sharing the oracles of God with us. Thank you for the saving grace of Your Son. Thank you that He nourishes us and takes care of us. Give us the courage and the ability to stand up and share Your message with the world. Amen



41. Blessed are those who believe (1)

The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. We learned that last week. His amazing work on the cross and His resurrection opened up the way for us to have access to God the Father and because of that we have infinite power available. Ephesians 1:19, 20 confirm that we have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead at our disposal. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God and the fullness of all what that entails is ours for the taking. That is why Romans 8:38, 39 tells us:

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When we walk in His Kingdom, we are surrounded by the love of God and if you have the love of God, you have everything life has to offer. God is love and when you have His love you have Him. All of Him. Isn't that amazing? And because we have the fullness of Him, we can agree with Paul:

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

All things will work together for our good when we love God and walk in His love for us. We can walk with faith knowing that Jesus saved us and that death and sin has no more dominion over us:

"Death no longer has dominion over Jesus (and Jesus lives in us). For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." Romans 6:9, 14

The dominion of sin and death has been broken over us by the death of Jesus. We can walk in freedom from that and truly experience the life that Jesus came to give us. He said that He came to give us life and life in abundance. He came so that we can truly breathe for the first time. And day by day we need to walk in that life. We need to walk with His life breathing His oxygen into our veins. The physical oxygen in our atmosphere is not all we need for true life, we need Him. He is the One giving us true life with His love surrounding us, working all things for our good. We need to have faith and believe what is true of us:

"So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham." Galatians 3:9

Blessed are those that believe, not because we are more special than others; no we are blessed because when we believe, we move into the heavenly realm and receive all that we need from there. We move into the very presence of God, we breathe Him in and as we do, we walk as He walked, we do what He did and we reach out as He did. That is being truly blessed indeed.

When you start walking in unison with God, believing what His Word says is true about you and living within His love, everything will work out for your good. You will be blessed indeed. Take a stand today and start believing what is true about you and start living in His Kingdom. In His Kingdom is where you truly belong. This world is no longer your home. Make yourself comfortable in God's presence; you will be so glad you did.

Thank you Father for Your wonderful love that is all-consuming. Thank you for Your Divine Grace saving us from this world. We want to abide in Your presence, because we know that we are safe there and that there all of life's answers lie. Thank you for the privilege that we have to be able to come into Your presence. We love You. Amen

40. God's wonderful salvation

God wants us to fly on eagle's wings. We saw that last week. He wants to work through us and bring His Kingdom to this fallen earth. He only wants us to be willing to be used. His Spirit will then flow through us into a broken world and bring healing where possible. He will even pray through us, when we do not know how to pray, He will literally do everything, we just need to be open that He can flow. We need to be spiritually minded and focus on the things that are important to God. He is a good, good Father, amazingly generous. He will provide in all our needs as we go out and make a difference for Him.

And all this is possible for us due to what Jesus did for us. The Good News is that our sins are forgiven and that He lives in all His power and might within us, ready to change the world:

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek." Romans 1:16

The Gospel of Christ is the power of God. It brings forth God's mighty power within us. Sharing and declaring the Gospel of Christ will provide us with power. It brings salvation to everyone that believes. The word salvation here means Soteria in Greek. This word Soteria means "welfare, prosperity, deliverance, preservation, salvation and safety". Thus the Gospel of Christ brings all these wonderful things to us. Why? Because we are part of His Kingdom and in His Kingdom is His life and peace. His death and resurrection opened up the way for us to enter into God's presence with confidence and peace. We can come to Him as part of His family. We can come to Him today:

"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2

The day of salvation is now. The day to prosper, to be delivered and to be safe is now. It is not at a future date when we have left this earth. No, the Word of God tells us that it is now. But notice, to 'prosper' doesn't necessarily refer to earthly riches. No, to prosper means to be within God's Will, to do what He called you to do, to walk within His perfect will for your life.

The Gospel of Christ is indeed Good News. He came to set us free from this world and to provide salvation for us now, today. And when you are free from this world, true living starts. It is immensely exciting. Start living from a heavenly perspective. Spend time with God and ask Him to show you what it is that He expects of you. Ask Him to show you your life from His perspective. It will surely liberate and free you from the pressures of this life. He will give you advice and show you the way to walk. You needn't stress and worry if you have Him by your side. He will tell you exactly what to do. All you need to do is to spend time with Him and follow His advice. Is that too much to ask? I don't think so. Time spent with Him is time well spent. It will save you much heartache in the long run.

Thank you Father for the good news of Your Son! Thank you that He did everything to free us from this world. Thank you that He came to give us salvation. Help us to rather focus on You and Your Kingdom than on this life. We love and praise You. Amen


39. God's Spirit is there for us (1)

God's Spirit is with us to help us with our life's tasks. His Spirit is bountiful and full of mercy and good fruit. His Spirit has the ability to do anything and everything for us and through us. He wants to rejoice in us and work through us in order to change this world into a better place. He wants us to bring Heaven on earth by allowing Him to flow through. That is why Jesus said the following in John 7:38, 39:

"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive."

His Spirit within us is like a flow of rivers. Notice not a trickle or a muddy pool, but rivers of water gushing out from within us. He has been poured out on us in abundance and now He wants to flow out of us in abundance. His living water wants to flow through and bring life to situations in this world. He wants to change people's lives and their circumstances for the better. But He wants to work through you. You need to be open to be used. What a sad day it would be if you weren't willing. The God of the Universe chose you to work through and yet you declined. That is failure, even if you were the CEO of the biggest global company in the world; you didn't 'climb the corporate ladder in His Kingdom'. God is reaching out and asking you to be a vessel for Him. You actually needn't do much; you simply need to be willing to be used. He will flow through and do what needs to be done. He will even help you when you do not know how to pray:

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26

God in His infinite wisdom knew that sometimes your words will run out, your strength may decline and then you can only turn to Him and allow Him to pray on your behalf. And praying like that also builds up our faith. We certainly have a wonderful God.

"But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." Jude 1:20, 21

Allow Him to pray through you and to work through you, all the while keeping yourself in the love of God. Allow Him free access into the deepest part of your soul. Give Him free reign. That is why Jesus says in several places that everything you pray for will be given unto you. Because if you pray with His Spirit flowing through you, you are praying His will and it will certainly come to pass! That is wonderful news. We just need to keep the door open for Him to flow through; it is really as simple as that.

And yet we often find it very difficult to do. We get so lost and wound up in this world and all the pressures that it brings that we don't even glance in His direction. We run and run, tired to the bone, and do not have enough energy to say a 5 minute prayer before we go to sleep. We have it all wrong. We must give over to Him, spend time with Him, pray and allow Him to take over. THEN we can go about our day and we will run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. We will fly on eagle's wings.

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Come on and fly on wings like eagles. It sounds much better than tiredly retiring to bed at night. It is within your hands, the choice is yours.

Father we choose to fly. We want to fly onto higher heights that You are planning for us. We don't want to rush anymore, but rather we want to glide with You, praying in Your Spirit and seeing how Your will comes to pass. We want Your rivers of living water to influence all around us. Amen