15. Trust God's timing and help

Last week we saw how Joseph cared about the people in prison. He saw that the baker and the butler were down and he cared enough to ask them why they were sad. If he never asked them, he would never have lived out his destiny. We then saw how crucial small caring moments in our lives could be. And in those moments we must glorify God, He must get all the honor and praise. Joseph didn't pretend that he could interpret dreams, no he immediately gave all honor to God and proclaimed that only He can. Joseph was truly a man after God's own heart.

The chief baker and the chief butler then continued to tell their dreams to Joseph. The chief butler started as the chief baker was too scared to share his dream with Joseph. Joseph then interpreted his dream to mean that within three days he will be reinstated in his position as chief butler. Joseph then humbly asked the chief butler:

"But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house. For indeed I was stolen away from the land of the Hebrews; and also I have done nothing here that they should put me into the dungeon." Genesis 40:14, 15

Joseph had been truly nice to the chief butler and his only request to him was that he remembers him and helps him to get out of jail.

Now the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the chief butler was good, so he told his dream as well. Unfortunately the revelation of his weren't that great. Joseph told him that he will be hanged by Pharaoh in three days.

These two dreams happened exactly as Joseph told them. In three days the chief butler was reinstated, but the chief baker was hanged. Unfortunately for Joseph the chief butler forgot all about Joseph. This must have been devastating for Joseph. He must have waited and waited for the chief butler to come and help him. But after a couple of months I think he must have lost hope that the chief butler will ever come to help him. At the end of the day as we will see in the Bible it was after two long years that the chief butler finally remembered him.

We might also feel that way. You might have helped a friend that promised that they will help you at another time and they never did. You might have given someone advice that provided them the promotion and they promised that they will never forget you, but they did. You might have helped so many people in so many different ways and when you feel that you need someone, everyone is missing. It sucks, I know. And I can just imagine how much it must have sucked for Joseph, especially because he had no way out. He was stuck in that terrible prison.

BUT GOD. God didn't leave him and God didn't forsake him. At precisely the right time He reminded the chief butler of Joseph. At exactly the right moment, Joseph was taken out of prison and exalted higher than he could ever dream possible. He simply had to keep a good attitude while waiting and trusting God.

The same can be said of us. When we truly need help and when we need to be exalted into higher positions in life, God will be there to do it for us. We needn't trust in people. They will forsake us and leave us. They will not help us. But God will. He will send the right people at precisely the right time. He won't be a moment too soon or a moment too late. He will be just in time to help us, hallelujah!

We can be rest assured if we stay close to God and follow Him in all that He does that everything will work out for our good and for our benefit. We can trust in Him.

Thank you Father for always looking out for us. Thank you for being with us every single minute of every single day. We trust You to help us at precisely the right moment. Our lives are in Your hands! We glorify You and exalt You on high. Amen

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