20. Overflow with God's Spirit

Last time we learned that God's timing is the best. At exactly the right time He would lead us and help us through situations. He would open doors when it needs to be opened and close doors when it needs to be closed. He sees the bigger picture and knows what is best for us, when we try to force things to happen earlier than it should, we make trouble for ourselves. We should never do that, but rather wait on God for His perfect timing.

And what a better example than Joseph. Okay, fair enough, he was forced to wait for his moment to come because he was in jail. BUT he had a good attitude while waiting. He did his best in jail and worked there as a supervisor. And as we saw, the moment that he came out of jail, he gave God the glory for interpreting the dreams. He didn't squirm away from God and pretend that he could do it all by himself, no, he gave all glory to God, even though he knew that Pharaoh was seen as a 'god' himself. And what was also amazing to see is that after Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams, Joseph didn't ask for time to receive the interpretation from God. He didn't go away on his own and consult God first. He lived so close to Him and had His Spirit guiding him, so he didn't need to do that, God's Spirit just flowed mightily and he could give the interpretation as well as the solution instantly. God flowed so greatly through him, that even Pharaoh saw that God was with Joseph:

"And Pharaoh said to his servants, "Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?" Genesis 41:38

I don't think we realize what a huge compliment this was. Especially coming from Pharaoh who himself was considered to be a god. He saw God in Joseph and I do not think there is a bigger compliment that anyone can give to someone.

We should also live so close to God that people can see Him in us. This doesn't just happen. Just like exercising our physical muscles, we must exercise our spiritual muscles. And just as we cannot expect to pick up several kilograms of weights in our first week of training, we cannot expect to just flow with God's Spirit like Joseph did after spending two mornings in a row with God. It just doesn't work that way. We need to be consistent and develop our relationship with God. We need to get to know Him and His heart for us as well as for others. The closer we get to Him, the more we will flow in His principles and spread that to other people.

God wants us so close to Him, that we can give advice to others in a moment's notice, and it would be God inspired advice. That is God's plan and will for all of us. He wants us to be true representatives of Him, speaking to others what He would have spoken to them. We should follow Joseph's example. Even though he went through some very tough times, he stuck close to God and it paid off. People could SEE God in him and that has made all the difference. And it would make all the difference in your life too.

I know we are all busy and do not have the time to spend God. But as Joyce Meyer said the other day, we always find time for what is important to us. If our bodies are important to us we find time to exercise, if our children are important to us we find time to spend with them, if our friends are important to us we make sure we keep in contact, if our sports are important to us we make time to watch it. So, is spending time with God important to you? Is it important to you to be filled with His Spirit to overflowing? If it is, you WILL make the time. It is your choice. Everyone gets 24 hours a day, what are you going to do with it?

Father we want to overflow with Your Spirit just like Joseph did. We want people to see You in our lives. We want to be filled with more and more of You. Thank you for always making time for us. We love You. Amen

2 comments for “20. Overflow with God's Spirit”

  1. Gravatar of RonelleRonelle
    Posted Tuesday, 19 April 2022 at 1:31:54 PM

    Like psalm 91 says: ..abide in the shadow of Almighty. To abide in Someone's shadow, you have to be really close to Him !!

  2. Gravatar of DikelediDikeledi
    Posted Thursday, 21 April 2022 at 5:25:57 AM

    Love u so much

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