55. Easter 2014

Easter is a special time of year for all. Not only Christian celebrates it, but in fact the whole world comes to a standstill. Of course they do it for different reasons; they enjoy an Easter egg hunt or two and love the break they get from work. But for us as Christians it is a very special time as it commemorates Jesus' death and resurrection.

This Easter reminded me of one thing in particular again. It reminded me that Jesus came to give us a new beginning. It was His whole purpose in coming, God the Father wanted to start anew with each one of us. We are all sinners, doomed to die. Not one of us is righteous enough to be able to enter into God's presence on our own. We have been separated from Him, because of our sins. He is holy, righteous and true and cannot have sinful people in His presence. A curtain separated us, it kept us apart, and it was not what God had in mind when He created Adam and Eve. He wanted fellowship with them, He wanted to walk with them, talk with them and share in their lives. But alas it was not to be.

And now Jesus came. He took our sinful natures and crucified it on the cross. He alienated us from our sinful selves and in its place gave us a new beginning. We were given the privilege of being born again. The moment we accept Jesus in our lives a new person are born inside of us. There are so many beautiful Scriptures about this, but I just want to share a few with you today.

"You have died with Christ, and He has set you free from the evil powers of this world." Colossians 2:20

"You have been raised to new life with Christ." Colossians 3:1

"...you are a new person, created in God's likeness - righteous, holy and true." Ephesians 4:24

"...those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

We are new. Jesus died so that our sinful natures can make way for the new. What wonderful news! We are new and because we are, we can enter into the presence of God, we can fellowship with Him, we can bring our requests to Him, and we have the privilege of calling Him Father. None of the Old Testament believers had this privilege, only the High Priest once a year on the Day of Atonement. How honoured we are to have this bestowed upon us. And not because we are wonderful, but because Jesus suffered for our sakes.

Yet it is sad to notice that we often take this honour for granted. A number of us don't make the time to enter into His presence. We rush around frantically in this life and are too tired at night to make a real effort to spend time at His feet. I think we have become so used to this honour, that we take it lightly sometimes. My wish for you all and myself included is that we stand in awe again of Who He is. We need to be so grateful that we can enter into His presence and spend time with Him, that we make sure that we do. The wonder of the new creation needs to pulsate within us all. Stand in wonder of the fantastic plan of God. He created us anew so that we can be holy and blameless before Him. He created us anew because He longs to spend time with us, longs to hear our voice, longs to hold us in His arms.

Get up on Friday morning and praise His Name that you are a new creation. Praise Him for His favour and for counting you worthy enough and make a renewed commitment to spend quality time with Him. Nothing in the world is more important than that. Enjoy the time with Him, it is priceless and life changing.

Dearest Father, thank you so much for sending Jesus to take our sins away and to make way for the new creation within us all. Thank you so much for the gift of Your Holy Spirit too. We are so grateful for all that You have done. We praise Your Name and exalt You on high. We want to spend more time with You and to make You the first priority in our lives. Please help us in this regard and give us the strength to say 'no' to activities that take Your place in our lives. We want to give You the number one spot once again. We love You. Amen 

1 comment for “55. Easter 2014”

  1. Gravatar of MariMari
    Posted Wednesday, 16 April 2014 at 10:09:39 PM

    Vir my is die sleutelvers om n nuwe mens in Christus te wees Gal 2:20 Ek is met Christus gekruisig, & ek leef nie meer nie, maar Christus leef in my. En wat ek nou in die vlees leef, leef ek deur die geloof in die Seun van God wat my so lief gehad het & Homself vir my oorgegee het. Halleluja, ons Verlosser leef, Hyt opgestaan!!

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