7. Just be yourself

Last week we learned that we shouldn't be swayed by the downgrading comments of other people, but we should listen to God's voice only and follow Him. This is exactly what David did. He didn't listen to the insulting words of his brother, but continued with what he felt in his heart. David continued questioning about Goliath. So much so, that Saul heard of it and sent for him. David declared that Saul shouldn't be afraid any longer; he will go and fight the Philistine. And immediately Saul also tried to discourage him, by saying that he was too young and not an experienced fighter like Goliath. But still David wouldn't listen. God placed this conviction in his heart and he wasn't going to be swayed. He explained to Saul how God has helped him to kill both a lion and a bear who tried to attack his sheep. And what I love about David's response is his absolute conviction that God will help him:

"The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." 1 Samuel 17:37

I love it! There is absolutely no wavering in his faith. There is no maybe God will help, or maybe He won't. He was absolutely convinced that He would and God honored that.

Saul could see that David was not backing down so he agreed that he could go. He also clothed David with his armor and he put a bronze helmet on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail. But when David tried to walk he couldn't. It was too heavy for him and didn't fit him at all. He immediately took it off and simply took his staff and five smooth stones from the brook.

This was interesting to me. What Saul was saying in effect was:

"If I had the guts to do this, I would have worn this. So please take it, hopefully it will help you."

Luckily David had the sense to decline. We cannot win the battles wearing someone else's armor. God has given each of us our own armor to wear. We should honor and respect that. We shouldn't try to be like someone else. God made us so unique and special. He has given us all the tools that we need to succeed. We shouldn't yearn for someone else's.

Sometimes people really mean well, they really want to help us, but we must still do things our own unique way. David would never have succeeded wearing Saul's armor. He would have stumbled and it would have been the end of him. He didn't try and spare Saul's feelings. No, he declined the armor and trusted God completely to help him as He had done in the past. His raw courage inspired a whole army. He demonstrated to all, that out of his own strength it was impossible to defeat Goliath, but with God all things are possible! Hallelujah!

Just be yourself. Rejoice in the victories that God has given to you in the past and be confident that He will be with you in the future too. Just walk as the royalty that you are. Do not imitate others and test ALL advice, even those well-meaning advices, against God's will for your life. Then go out, be yourself and defeat the enemy.

Thank you for who I am Lord. Thank you that You made me unique and special, ready to conquer any enemy with Your help. I praise You that I am more than a conqueror because Jesus gave me the strength! Hallelujah, I give You all the honor and glory! Amen


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