Last week we saw that David went
just as he was to face Goliath. He didn't take any extra
precautions and he didn't take the armor of Saul, he didn't want
anything that he wasn't used to. He trusted God without wavering.
David walked up to Goliath with only five smooth stones in his
shepherd bag as well as his staff in his hand. He was ready to face
the giant.
Now as we might suspect, the giant
immediately taunted David. He tried to make him lose his nerve. He
talked down at David and really scorned him. But it is wonderful to
see that it didn't faze David in the least. In fact when Goliath
swore by his gods, it spurred David on even more. David then
replied exalting God and giving all honor to Him.
"I come to you in the Name of
the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have
defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will
strike you and take your head from you…..for the battle is the
Lord's and He will give you into our hands." 1 Samuel 17:45, 46,
Isn't it wonderful? David
proclaimed no glory for himself; he honored God all the way! He
gave all glory to Him Who he knew would deliver him. I love it.
David also didn't have the slightest doubt that God would not help
him. He trusted Him wholly and without wavering. And God honored
that. David threw one stone at Goliath and it struck his forehead
and he fell down dead. David ran over and didn't take any chances.
He took the sword of Goliath and cut off his head with his own
sword. Victory which David proclaimed orally became a reality.
We also need to proclaim our
victory orally. We need to speak out loud what is true of us
according to the Bible. We did a whole series on Kingdom living and
what is now true of us today because we belong to Christ, so I am
not going to go into detail right now. But we need to proclaim who
we are. The Bible tells us that we are more than conquerors through
Him that gives us the strength. We are royalty, a priesthood
serving God, we are His children, royal heirs to the Kingdom, His
bride and so I can go on. We need to proclaim that and stand up in
who we truly are. Then the enemy cannot do anything against us. You
see if your mind is filled with the Word of God, the energy of His
Word will shine forth and change this world according to what His
Word proclaims.
All your thoughts are energy. It
has been proven scientifically, I cannot go into detail here, but
what you think, you eventually say and what you say eventually
becomes your reality. It really does. That is why God's Word says,
as a man thinks, so he becomes (Proverbs 23:7). It is therefore
pivotal what goes on inside your thoughts. That is why God says we
need to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). We need to start thinking as
He does and when we do, His power starts to work, and His energy
starts to flow through us and His reality for us manifests.
David had zero doubts in his mind
that God will help him, literally nothing. And that is why he could
defeat his giant. We need to have that total conviction too. And we
have an even bigger advantage, we have His Spirit inside of us,
helping us each step of the way.
Start reading His Word, start
believing what is true of you, start proclaiming it, start renewing
your thoughts and then see how you start living it. A new day would
dawn for you! Rejoice. God is for you, who can ever be against
Father thank you for Your precious
Word. Thank you that we can take all of it to heart and believe
what it is true of us. We are so grateful. Thank you for Your good
plans for our lives and that You are right there beside us, leading
the way as our Lion of Judah. Hallelujah, all the giants will fall.