102. Trust in God

After reading a daily devotion by Joseph Prince God placed the prodigal son on my heart. Imagine the prodigal son lived today and you see him there in the pigsty, filthy, full of mud, hungry and totally depleted. You feel so sorry for him. You, as a well-meaning Christian go over and help him. You give him food to eat; you negotiate with the owner of the pigsty to give him a wage and to look better after him. You feel so good about yourself that you helped him. You uplifted his situation somewhat. Even though he is still in the pigsty, he is at least fed.

Now do you really think you helped him? The thing is you didn't really. You simply gave him a reason to stay in the pigsty, you made it a little bit more comfortable, just enough to keep him there. It is still a terrible place to be in, but now he is not at that point that he will go back home to his father's house. He will get comfortable in the pigsty and simply stay there, far away from God's best for him. If you had left him, he would have come to the end of himself and gone back to his father's house, back to where he truly belongs. His father wants to give him a ring on his finger, a robe, shoes to wear, a position in his house. And if he went there, he would be much better off than staying in the pigsty.

God then spoke to me and said that that is what He is doing in the world today during this coronavirus time. He is not intervening, but allowing us to stay a bit longer in the pigsty so that we can come to the end of ourselves. He wants us to come to a point where we realize that we cannot fix this, we cannot go on, and that we then turn to Him. He wants us to come to our Father's house, He wants to clothe us and give us a position in His Kingdom. He wants us to grow and become the person that He destined us to be. He wants us to be finished with the things of this world and to grow into the true spiritual beings that we are. For:

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man." Jeremiah 17:5

We cannot continue to trust that the government, our boss, our superiors will help us and look after us. They won't. Only God will.

So do not get tired of praying, do not think that God has forgotten us and that He will not help us. He is waiting for the right moment. He so loves the world and wants the best for us. He didn't send the virus, He didn't cause it, remember the prodigal son left home all on his own. But God is now waiting for us to come to the end of ourselves in the pigsty. If He intervenes too soon, He will do us an injustice. He doesn't want to leave us in the pigsty any longer. He wants to clothe us in white and wants us alongside Him, looking forward to a better future.

Now, even though I am saying that we need to wait a while before God intervenes, He will help us during this situation on an individual basis.

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7, 8

In other words, if we trust in God, we will still bear fruit and still have green leaves even though we are in the drought with the rest of the world. He will look after us when we draw on the fresh water of His Word and His Spirit. We needn't fear or be worried; He is with us in a mighty awesome way.

The point is, God wants us to be finished with the pigsty. He wants us to be finished with the mud. He doesn't want us to wallow in it any longer. He wants us free, to be the created beings we were destined to be. He has good plans for us, a future and a hope and all of it is in His Father's house. Jesus died to open up the way for us. We simply need to enter in. Therefore get up out of the mud and run to Him. He will welcome you with open arms. Trust fully in Him and be like a tree by the river, full of green leaves and fruit! The time is now. The sooner the better. This world has nothing to offer us. Our riches and glory is in Him!!

Thank you Jesus for opening up the way for us so that we needn't wallow in the mud any longer. Thank you that we can go to our Father's house and be filled with His love and life! We trust in You alone. You are our God and King. We surrender and give over. Amen


1 comment for “102. Trust in God”

  1. Gravatar of Heidi Heidi
    Posted Monday, 25 May 2020 at 4:43:53 PM

    Wow, SO TRUE, Our Abba Father, placed us exactly where we are, for a time such as this, and HE IS IN THIS SITUATION WITH US, HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US OR FORWAKE US. AMEN.!!!!

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