13. We need to see the bigger picture

Last week we saw that despite Joseph doing the right thing by not adhering to Potiphar's wife's lustful requests, he was still thrown into prison. He didn't get what he deserved. He must have been so despondent. He was simply doing the right thing, and then things started to go against him. But then we saw once again how wonderful God is. God gave him favor with the keeper of the prison and once again everything Joseph did prospered. God didn't take him out of his situation immediately, but He gave him favor to go through it.

Why didn't God take him out of this situation quicker than what He did? We don't know how long he was in prison. What we do know is that he was 17 when he came to Egypt and he was 30 when Pharaoh exalted him. So he was 13 years in total with Potiphar and in the prison. How long with each we do not know. But one thing we do know is that he was there a minimum of two years, because the Bible tells us that after he had interpreted the dreams of the baker and the butler two years passed before Pharaoh had his dreams (Genesis 41:1). I personally think it was more than 2 years because he had been in prison a while before the dreams of the baker and the butler were interpreted by Joseph. Any estimate of how long he was in prison is speculation, but we know it was years.

Now, once again, why did God leave him there for years? Well, several reasons. Maybe Joseph had to mature during that time. Maybe he had to learn lessons that will help him on his journey further. Maybe God was dealing with him to forgive his brothers during that time. Maybe Joseph had to influence some of the prisoners in his time there. Maybe he had to teach them about God. Maybe the timing wasn't right for him to be lifted to second in command in Egypt. Maybe the timing hadn't come that the seven good years and the seven years of famine had to come. We won't know all the reasons, but what we do know is that Joseph's life didn't just revolve around himself. There were many people, even nations to take into account. God sees the whole picture and moves to the good of all. But in the meantime He didn't forget about Joseph but helped him there where he was in prison.

The same is true of us. We might feel frustrated. We have been following God with all of our hearts and we have been doing everything we feel that He has led us to do and yet we feel as if He has still left us in 'prison'. We might easily lose heart. I think of the situation in South Africa. Some days it feels as if we are trapped in a prison. Some days it feels as if everything that could go wrong in a country has. And we feel that we have prayed and prayed and on the surface it looks as if nothing is changing, nothing is happening and we feel trapped and despondent. But we can rest assured that God is moving. He is orchestrating everything to work for our good. We must remember that He is looking with a much bigger picture in mind that we can ever fathom. We don't know who is He working with or what He is doing in the hearts of others. But what we do know is that He IS working and that He will look after us in the meantime. We must just keep looking up and trusting in Him. He will never forsake His loved ones. Never. He will always be there for us, we needn't fear.

You might have a personal situation where you feel trapped in a prison and you feel despondent because you have prayed and prayed and things seemingly haven't changed. The same principle applies. God is working. He is working in you, He is working in people around you and He is working in the broader environment around you. He is working in it all, orchestrating everything for your good. You might not see it now, but things are happening that will bless you and others in the end. Remember God is working towards the greater good of His Kingdom. He wants people blessed through you. And if this prison time is maybe a time where you need to bless others, please do it. Continue to do that. Be a blessing right there where you are. God will honor that and lift you higher when the time is right. Just never give up and forsake the Lord. Stay close to Him. Alongside Him is everything you will ever want or need.

Father we don't like the prison times. We would much rather be ruling with Pharaoh, than be down in the prison like Joseph. But we realize that this life is not just about us, but about the furtherance of Your Kingdom. Help us to see beyond our situations and limitation. Help us to see the bigger picture. In You lie all our answers. We love You and we entrust our lives to You. Amen

2 comments for “13. We need to see the bigger picture”

  1. Gravatar of RonelleRonelle
    Posted Monday, 31 January 2022 at 12:30:53 PM

    This is soo true. I am sure we can all testify that difficult times always turn out to better ourselves, although we don't feel or see it immediately

  2. Gravatar of HenriHenri
    Posted Monday, 31 January 2022 at 6:01:22 PM


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