14. Help others in need

Last week we saw that God left Joseph in prison for a couple of years before He released him for the calling that God had on his life. We saw that there were many reasons why Joseph had to stay in the prison for a while, reasons that he didn't understand at the moment. But God knew why and He wanted the timing to be perfect when Joseph was released. In the meantime God however blessed Joseph in the prison. We saw that God works the same way with us too. He knows why we need to stay in 'prison situations' longer than what we deem necessary. He sees the bigger picture. Fortunately we can rest assured that He knows best and that He will lead and guide us in the present situation that we are in.

Now while Joseph was in prison the chief baker and chief butler offended the Pharaoh. He was so angry with them that he threw both of them in prison. 'By accident' in the same prison that Joseph were in.

"And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he served them; so they were in custody for a while." Genesis 40:4

Not only were they in the same prison as Joseph, but God orchestrated that they had contact with one another. Then one night both the chief butler and the chief baker had a dream. These dreams upset them. It upset them so much that Joseph saw that they were down and asked them why.

"Why do you look so sad today?" And they said to him, "We each have had a dream and there is no interpreter of it." Genesis 40:7, 8

It is actually amazing that Joseph saw that they were sad and that he cared enough to ask them about it. Who cares about prisoners? Whoever asked about their well fare, especially in those days? I know prisoners today have more rights, but back then they had no rights. And yet Joseph cared about them and asked about their problems. Joseph could have had an attitude and focused only on his own problems. He could have reasoned that God had abandoned him and didn't care for him, so why should he care for others? But Joseph's reaction showed us his caring heart. He truly cared for other people and decided to help them even though he himself wasn't experiencing the best time of his life. Can you imagine if Joseph didn't ask them why they were sad? If he didn't ask them, they wouldn't have told him, he wouldn't have interpreted their dreams and the butler wouldn't have told Pharaoh about him. This one small act of kindness put into motion the future of Joseph. If he didn't care about them he would most probably have been in prison for the rest of his life. How sad that would have been!

Once he showed that he cared and heard their problem he immediately gave glory to God:

"Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell them to me please." Genesis 40:8

He didn't tell them that he could interpret dreams and help them, no; he pointed them towards God, the only One who could truly help.

We can certainly learn so much from Joseph. He wasn't wallowing in his own predicament, so self-absorbed that he didn't have time for anyone else. No, he reached out, cared and helped where he could. It is truly a wonderful example to follow. I know when we feel down and when we feel as if life has dealt us with a nasty blow, the last thing we want to do is to help others. In fact we might be feeling that other people should be helping us! Not the other way around. And yet in those moments it might be just the thing for you to do. There is rarely anything in life that is so uplifting than helping someone else. It is not what one wants to hear when you are down in the dumps, but it is the truth. I know you might feel that someone must rather notice the situation you are in and come and help you. But I promise you that God's plan for you is that you help someone else, even in your time of need. Who knows, that someone might just be your key to your breakthrough!

In your pain and suffering look towards others, be a sympathetic ear to listen, draw them closer to God, reach out and help them as far as you can. Your breakthrough might be just around the corner. And if your time hasn't come for that yet, I promise you that God is smiling down on you for helping others in need. That is His heart of love, always helping, always caring. And if you walk in that you will be closer to Him than ever before. What could be better than that?

Father please help me to take my eyes off from myself and focused on You. Bring those on my path that I can help and influence for You. I want to make a difference while I am here on earth. I love You. Amen

1 comment for “14. Help others in need”

  1. Gravatar of MariMari
    Posted Saturday, 12 February 2022 at 2:50:49 PM


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