32. Walk with God with big decisions

Last week we saw that we can look at how good God has been to His children in the Bible as well as to us in the past. Then when we see how good He has been, our faith can be raised and we can look forward to the future, knowing that He is in charge and will look after us. Walking side by side with Him, we can be assured that all things will work together for our good.

Jacob heard the best news of his life, his son, Joseph was alive and well. He was ecstatic and his spirit revived. He took all that he owned and started out on their journey to Egypt. But on his way, he stopped at Beersheba and offered sacrifices to God there. Then God appeared to him in a vision at night:

"Jacob! Jacob!" And he said, "Here I am." So He said, "I am God, the God of your father; do not fear to go down to Egypt, for I will make of you a great nation there. I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes." Genesis 46:2-4

Isn't God just amazing? Even though Jacob's sons came and told him that Joseph is alive and that they must move to Egypt as the famine will still continue for another five years, God came to reassure Jacob. God told him that they shouldn't fear, He will go with them and will come back with them one day again. He also promised that He will make Jacob and his descendants into a great nation.

This was a very important move in Jacob's life. They were living in Israel, the land which God had promised to his grandfather, Abraham. And therefore it was not easy for Jacob to just move even though all the evidence pointed towards Egypt. Jacob then honored God by offering sacrifices to God and God answered him and reassured him that he was doing the right thing in moving to Egypt.

Today we also have big decisions that we need to make. Circumstances might be screaming one thing to us, but is that truly what we must do? Where does God want us to be? It might not be the same than what the world would want us to believe.

We have several big decisions that we need to make in life. What to study, who to marry, where to work, where to live, where to send our kids to school etc. etc. There are many big decisions that need to be made and we need to make sure that we are making them with God by our side. We cannot make these big decisions based on other people's opinions, on circumstances around us or even on what we want. We need to make these decisions with God and ask Him to help and lead us. He knows best, He and He alone. The world and what they say do not matter.

Once we know that there is a big decision to be made we need to spend time in His Word and in prayer. We need to be open to His Spirit's leading. We can then move in the direction that we believe God is sending us in and then we can follow the open doors and find confirmation in the closed ones. And if God leads us to, we can get independent Godly guidance from councilors that we can trust. Otherwise wait for God's leading.

I have had to make a lot of big decisions in my life and God has been so faithful. Several times I didn't know what to do and after spending a lot of time with God in His Word and in prayer, I have been lead to the right decision. Notice, a lot of time, I didn't have the right answer after the first prayer. Other times I still didn't know and then I just did what I could do and followed the open doors to the right decision. There are many ways but it all starts with God. Go and spend time with Him. Do not allow outside forces, fear, other peoples' opinions influence you. Most of the time they don't even know what they are doing with their own lives let alone yours. Rather spend the time with God and allow Him to move you. You will not be disappointed.

Father please help us with the big decisions in our lives. Lead us to where we need to be and what we need to do. We desperately need Your guidance in our lives. Walk in front and lead the way. Without You we will be lost. Thank you that we can trust You. Amen

1 comment for “32. Walk with God with big decisions”

  1. Gravatar of RonelleRonelle
    Posted Monday, 22 August 2022 at 10:49:47 AM

    Thank you for remin ding us to first wait and listen to what God has to say on the matter...

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