27. Follow God (1)

The Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt like a triumphant army. They were free from slavery and free from the Egyptians. They must have felt so relieved. But then God did a strange thing. He took a detour towards the Promised Land. He didn't lead them straight towards it. Now why did He do that? Scripture tells us the reason:

"God did not lead them on the road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest way from Egypt to the Promised Land. God said, "If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt." Exodus 13:17

And it would most probably have happened if they went straight ahead. The Israelites have never been in a battle before this and they would most probably have had the fright of their lives and returned to the enemy they knew (Egypt) than the enemy they didn't know (the Philistines). God knew this and led them around the Philistine country. He knew they would be ready to face them later with His help, but the time was just not right now.

Sometimes in our lives God leads us on detours on the way to our 'Promised Land', because He knows of all the obstacles in the way if we were to go straight ahead. He knows the safest and the best route. We don't and if we feel ourselves being led on detours we shouldn't complain, but we should follow with a happy heart that God knows best. He won't delay our journey unnecessarily, He will have good reasons that we need to trust.

All we need to do is look to Jesus and His Word, just like the Israelites did. God led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of cloud by night and they looked up to it and followed it. God never left them on their own:

"And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from their sight." Exodus 13:22

And God will not remove His guidance from your sight either. Just keep on looking up. He is faithful and true and He will lead you forward step by step. Who knows maybe you will also see mighty miracles along the way, just like the Israelites did with the wonderful parting of the Red Sea!

Father God, we want to keep You forever in our sight. We want to follow You even if it doesn't seem logical to our human minds, as we know that You are mighty and You know best. Thank you Lord. Amen

1 comment for “27. Follow God (1)”

  1. Gravatar of RonelleRonelle
    Posted Friday, 02 November 2012 at 7:16:27 PM

    God's ways are sometimes very different from ours. We only have to trust Him.

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