20. Keeping the faith

Poor old Moses. He left his home of 40 years to serve God and to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. And since leaving, his wife was not impressed with him as we saw earlier (incidentally she left Egypt some or other time, because in Exodus 18 his father in law visits Moses in the wilderness after the Exodus, and he brings Moses' wife with him, therefore she must have left him some time before this), Pharaoh made matters worse for the Israelites and to top it off Moses' own people didn't want to listen to him anymore.

Exodus 6:9 "So Moses told the people what the Lord had said, but they wouldn't listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the increasing burden of their slavery."

Moses must have felt all alone. No one was supporting him, only Aaron, but there are no words of encouragement recorded here.

And when God tell Moses to go back to Pharaoh, Moses turned on God again.

Exodus 6:12 "But Lord! My own people won't listen to me anymore. How can I expect Pharaoh to listen? I'm no orator!"

Moses was discouraged and seemingly wanted to give up here. But God stayed calm and ordered Moses to go back to Pharaoh again. And the most amazing thing for me is that Moses went. Despite the gloomy circumstances he was in, he continued to listen and move forward. And you know what? You never hear Moses talk to the Lord like that again. Things started happening. He took the first step in obedience and God used him.

Faith is easy when things are running smoothly. It is easy when things are flowing and miracles are happening all around. But when things get tough and people don't believe in you anymore it starts to get difficult to continue believing. It starts getting hard to continue trusting in God's promises. Moses definitely experienced this, he must have felt all alone, but he kept his head down and pressed forward. He turned to God with his questions and frustrations and God helped him to get through it. He didn't discuss it with several people, but he turned to God and he obtained strength.

Turn to God and keep the faith. Continue step by step and move forward. God will be with you and soon you will see things happening all around. God rewards faithful obedience.

Father God, please help us to keep our eyes on You and what You've planned for us. We get discouraged sometimes, but thank you that we can know that You are always there for us. Thank you! Amen

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