55. Allow God to use you

God continued to give His detailed instructions to Moses on how the Israelites were supposed to be living. He also gave Moses detailed instructions on the building of His tabernacle. He requested the people to give offerings to Him to be used in the tabernacle. All the Israelites went away to their tents and brought their offering according to what they desired to give. Each gave as he wanted and at the end of the day, there was more than enough to complete the task of building the tabernacle.

I am certain that some gave because they felt obligated  to, but I think the majority gave out of love for God and God loves people who give cheerfully.

'You must each make up your mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully.' 2 Corinthians 9:7

And the Israelites didn't only give their possessions, they also gave of their talents to help and build the tabernacle of God. God needed people who were skilled as jewelers, designers, weavers, embroiderers, carvers of wood etc. God needed a lot of special skills and He gave the people the ability to do it and to do it well. He had to give them the ability as all of them were slaves from birth and didn't have the opportunity to learn these skills as a trade. God had to help them and the tabernacle at the end of the day was really something to see. I wish I could have seen it in real life, I think it must have been beautiful!

And today God needs people to work at building His church too. And by His church I don't mean a physical building, but all believers believing in Jesus, who forms part of His Body. God needs people who will give of their money to build and grow His church, but above all He needs people who are willing to give of their time and to give of themselves to build His church. Of course He doesn't expect everyone to be full time ministers/missionaries, but He expects us to do what we can right there where we are. He wants us to stand up for Him where He has placed us, to spread His Word and to encourage others and to lead more people to His Son. And if He lays it on your heart to help physically at your church and use your gifts and talents in such a manner, then you must follow His leading.

God needs people as much today as He needed those three and a half thousand years ago. Are you willing to stand up and make yourself available? God hopes that you would.

Father, please give us the discernment to know where You want us to help and where You want us to go to build up Your church. We are willing to be Your vessels. In Jesus Name. Amen


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