Monthly Archives: October 2016

113. God chose you

In Moses' speech, he reminded the Israelites of several things. And one of the wonderful things he reminded the Israelites of is that God chose them, not because they were wonderful and an impressive nation, but simply because He loved them. Listen to these beautiful couple of verses:

"You are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be His own special treasure. The Lord did not choose you and lavish His love on you because you were larger or greater than the other nations, for you were the smallest of all the nations! It was simply because the Lord loves you, and because He was keeping the oath He had sworn to your ancestors." Deuteronomy 7:6-8

Isn't it a wonderful couple of verses? God chose them because He loved them and not because they were the most amazing people on earth set on following Him. In fact they were wayward people set on disobeying Him, and yet He loved them. He had to discipline them along the way, but just like a loving Father disciplining His children out of love.

And when Jesus came, He chose us, Christians, to be His people, forming part of His body. Isn't it wonderful news? Listen to this:

"You didn't choose Me, I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for using My Name." John 15:16

Jesus chose us. What an amazing privilege, one that we should cherish. He chose us not because we were good enough. He chose us not because we were the most successful, the richest, the most dedicated, the most popular, no, He chose us because He loved us and called us to be His holy people just like the Father called Israel to be His. Peter states this beautifully:

"You are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God's holy nation, His very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

We are God's holy nation, His very own possession and His kingdom of priests. He believes in us and chose us to be His own. He knows all the difficulties that we will face on this earth, and yet He chose us, because He knew we will be able to handle it. He chose us to be His representatives, He chose us to be His light in this dark world. He radiates love and peace and gives us hope in this world. No matter what, we can have peace that He loves us and we can be enveloped in His loving arms when everything gets too much for us.

And on the flipside, we must also take our responsibility as His chosen ones seriously. We cannot live like we want to and we cannot just say what pleases us. We have a responsibility to present the best of God to the world. We should portrait His loving characteristics to a fallen world and draw them to Him. That is our main aim.

I wrote a couple of prophecies the other day for individuals and when I was finished, I realised that they all had one thing in common, at the end of the day, God wants to use each one of them to reach others and to build one another up in love. And I realised that at the end of the day all of our destinies collide. We are all called to work towards a common goal of building up God's Kingdom and of praising and loving Him. And therefore we, as a chosen people, should stand up and be counted.

Thank you Father that You have chosen us. We live in absolute gratitude that You have extended Your love towards us. Thank you for this privilege and also assist us in presenting all that You are to a fallen world that so desperately need You. Please help us in our mission. In Jesus' Name. Amen

112. Teach your children His ways (4)

The Israelites as a nation and the Jews today have always been very good at making religion a part of their everyday life. They have always kept up with their religious practices, even though their religion later on became more of a ritual than a true love for God. Just think of the Pharisees in Jesus' day. They were the most pious of people, walking the path given to them by God through Moses. Their hearts were of course not right as we all know, but they were following their religious practices down to the tee and looking down on all those who didn't.

The point I am trying to make is that religion was part and parcel of the nation of Israel. Why? Because they shared it continually with their children.

"Repeat these commandments again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again. Tie them to your hands as a reminder, and wear them on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:7-9

If we look at these verses, it basically says, talk about the commandments of God all of the time. And not only talk about it, live it, let your children follow your example. The Israelites were very good at this and they still are. We can learn from them. Even though Jesus has freed us from the obligation of adhering to the Jewish Law, we still need to tell our children about the Old and the New Testament and how it all fits together.

The problem is we are so rushed in our modern day society. If I look at my own life, I drive my kids from swimming lessons to tennis lessons to reading lessons to hockey lessons and by the time we get home we need to do homework and prepare for the next day. It is only at night that I maybe read them a Bible story at night, but for the most part I am too rushed to talk in length about God. And I realise that this is not right. Even though I try to live by the principles of God and try to be an example to them, I fail sometimes. I try to tell them about God in between the rushing, but somehow it doesn't have the same effect. I have come to the realisation that if we don't have time or energy to tell our kids about God, we are too busy and we need to make some changes. I know that I have to do this as my greatest wish is that my boys will grow into mighty men of faith. But even though it is my greatest wish, I spend the least amount of time developing it.

We can learn from the Israelites. We need to teach our kids the walk of God. We need to create in them a love for God and His ways that they never want to depart from it. How do we do that? With the help of the Holy Spirit and time spent in prayer. May God lead you and me as to the best way to ingrain in our children, the holy, timeless ways of God.

Father, at the birth of our children we promised to lead them in Your ways. But as time goes on, we are more and more pressed on all sides and we forget to teach them. Please forgive us Lord and help each parent reading this today as to the best way to present You to their children and to guide them in Your everlasting ways. In Jesus' Name. Amen

111. Proclaim Jesus as King

Moses is still continuing with his speech and as he is, more and more life lessons are presented to us. Even though this speech is directly for the Israelites, we in the 21st century can still learn and benefit from it.

In Deuteronomy 4:32-40 Moses proclaims how great God is and that there is no other. He recounts the awesome miracles that God did and how God had helped the Israelites to come as far as they have. And in verse 39 he says:

"So remember this and keep it firmly in mind: The Lord is God both in heaven and on earth, and there is no other god!"

This made me realise once again how amazing our God is. He is God in heaven and He is God on earth. Everywhere He goes, He is God. And today is no different, even though it may feel as if another force is prevalent on the earth. I don't know about you, but sometimes I cannot help but feel that things are spinning out of control in our society. Women are raped, children are used as sex slaves, human trafficking is prevalent, corruption is at the order of the day, governments are not following God's ways, people are killed for their faith, the poor is only getting poorer and the rich richer, the internet is full of pornography and so I can go on. And when I see these things happening all around me, I cannot help but feel that God is not in control.

I actually have a whole CD on this topic. I ask the question whether God is in control or whether the devil is in control. But I don't have enough time to focus in detail on that today. Today however I want to console you and reassure you that God is still the God of heaven and the God of this earth as He was in the Old Testament. God never changes and is always the same. Jesus came to show us just that and with His death on the cross He obtained victory over the sinfulness of this world and the Father placed all things under His authority:

"Now He is above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else in this world or in the world to come. And God has put all things under the authority of Christ, and He gave Him this authority for the benefit of the church. And the church is His body; it is filled by Christ, Who fills everything everywhere with His presence." Ephesians 1:21-23

Notice that this authority was given to Jesus for the benefit of the church because we are His body. And remember when the Bible talks about the church, it means believers, not the physical building or congregation. And now this authority has been given for our benefit and what a responsibility it is. That means that we are now Jesus' hands and feet here on earth. I recently heard a song where the singer asks God when is He going to do something about this evil world? And then God answers, 'I already did, I created you."

And because He did we cannot participate in the evil of this world, we simply cannot. We are not allowed to read questionable magazines, we cannot look at pornography, we cannot dodge the tax collector, we cannot speak even a white lie, we cannot participate in corruption, we simply cannot. We need to be His body on this earth, walking around with His authority and helping where we can. But if sin still has a hold over us, we will slip and fall and not be the representatives that we are supposed to be.

We need to proclaim Jesus as King over this world and we should show the world what it means to follow the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We need to attract them to a better world, one without pain and sorrow and one where we can all live in harmony. That is our purpose in life, make sure that you do not miss it!

Father thank you that You are in control. Thank you that we can know that. Thank you also that we can be part of the body of Christ. Please help us to be good representatives of Who You are and to let go of the sin that strangle us. We love You and want to proclaim You as King over our lives and King over our countries and the world. In Jesus' Name. Amen  

110. Don't be envious

Last week we had a look at God being a jealous God, and righteously so. Because His people tend to wander around looking for earthly gratification, instead of turning to Him for eternal rewards and never ending joy. As history has shown, God's people have a tendency to turn to idols, rather than turning to Him for comfort and love.

Now after last week's discussion the topic still drifted around in my head and I realised that there is a lesson to be learned on the flip side as well. Even though God is jealous, the Bible explicitly warns us against being jealous and envious. Now as we've seen last week, God is right in being jealous if His children wander off and rather love someone/something else more than Him. But it is not right for us to be envious of what others have. There are many examples in the Bible, from Joseph's brothers that were so jealous of him, because of their father's special devotion to his youngest son. And in their jealousy they sold him off to slave traders. Other examples are where Cain killed Abel, because God accepted Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's. In a fit of envy, he killed his brother. Or think about Saul being jealous of the fact that God had chosen David to be king now, due to Saul's disobedience. Saul flew into raging fits of jealousy, because he could see that God was now with David. And on several occasions he tried to kill David. His whole life became a mission to get rid of David, instead of asking forgiveness of God for his own sins and moving on. And so I can go on. Being envious of someone has dire consequences.

The Bible clearly tells us not to envy what others have. It is also one of the Ten Commandments:

"Do not covet (envy) your neighbour's house. Do not covet (envy/desire) your neighbour's wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else your neighbour owns." Exodus 20:17

This is so difficult for us as humans to do. In our western culture especially. Today we may not envy our neighbour's ox or donkey, but we certainly envy their nice car, overseas holidays, beautiful house, clever and sporty kids or even their state of the art home theatre system. Or if we just page through any magazine we might envy how other people look, their perfect teeth, their well-built bodies, their wrinkle free skin, their flawless features etc. Or we may envy the progress others have made, while we are still stuck in the same position that we've been in for the past ten years. But today God is calling us to stop. He is calling us to stop envying others and to start appreciating what you have.

God has made you in a specific way and He has placed you in a certain position to be able to build His kingdom the way He wants to. Of course there are instances where we hinder our own progress and where we don't look after ourselves like we are supposed to, that is a given. But we need to sit still for a moment every now and again and present ourselves to God just as we are. We need to listen to His guiding Spirit and follow Him where He leads us. Instead of envying others, sit with God and listen to His plan for your life. Don't look around you all the time, but look up. Stop hating your features, but praise God that you can see, hear and breathe. Look after your body, the Temple of God and give Him the praise for every part of it. He is the Creator and Designer of everything and if you are squarely in His Will for your life, there is no need to wish for what others have, you will have all God desires for you and that will be more than enough!

Father, please forgive us that we are walking around looking at everyone else, instead of looking up to You and Your will for our lives. We want to please You and to honour You, so please help us to be grateful for what we have, because we know that that is the true secret to all joy. In Jesus Name. Amen

109. God is a jealous God

In Moses' last speech to the Israelites there are so many wonderful lessons hidden inside. There is so much to learn for us all. One particular verse caught my eye this morning:

"The Lord your God is a devouring fire, a jealous God." Deuteronomy 4:24

Now at first I thought that that can't be right. God cannot sin and as far as I know jealousy is sin. But when I looked deeper into the true meaning of jealousy I realised that God is right in being jealous.

Jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else. And in God's case it can also mean - "Expecting complete devotion". On the other hand envy is an emotion related to coveting what someone else has. And that is a big difference. God can never be envious, because He owns everything. But He can be jealous, when His beloved people rather choose to be with another.

The more I thought about it, the sadder I became. If you read the whole Bible it is a wonderful love story relating God's never ending love and patience with people. His whole idea with the creation was to have fellowship with mankind. And when Satan came and spoiled the party, God still created a system to have fellowship with mankind through the whole sacrificial system involving His presence in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple. Unfortunately the people didn't appreciate His presence with them and they stopped to worship Him in the manner that He ought to be praised. Their hearts grew cold and they drifted off into the arms of another. And God in His jealousy sent them off into exile, hoping that they will repent and turn back to Him. And His ultimate statement of His love was when Jesus came and died on the cross in order to take away their sins and restore fellowship with mankind again. The veil in the Temple tore in two, inviting all to come into the presence of God once again. And today the invitation to us all still stands.

But unfortunately we have fallen in love with others again. We love to spend hours upon hours on Face book, we love to sit mindlessly before the television for hours on end, we love to browse our I-pad for the latest news and happening articles, we love to buy gossip magazines in order for us to be able to discuss the latest developments in the stars' lives with our friends, we love to rush around in this life, acquiring more and more. Now I am not saying it is sin to watch television or to be on Face book or to listen to the news, but there must always be a healthy balance. As most of us are too tired when we climb into bed to spend 5 minutes with God and yet we've spent 2 hours on Face book. We cannot allow these small jackals to rob us from making time to fellowship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Nothing is more important than that.

God is a jealous God, He longs for you to make time for Him and to listen to His voice. He wants to embrace you and nurture you, but if you are in the arms of another, He cannot do it. Sit still for a moment and reassess your life and make sure that your priorities are what it is supposed to be, God above all else. Only God and no other. All 'idols' in our lives have to go; He should be our number one priority.

Father God please forgive us for venturing off. We get so easily side tracked from where we are supposed to be. We are supposed to spend quality time with You, and not because we have to, but because we want to. You are our loving God, our Father and our Savior and we declare that nothing is more important than You. We love You. In Jesus' Name. Amen

108. Make God your first priority

Moses was delivering his last and final speech to the Israelites and it is recorded here in Deuteronomy. One of the things that stand out for me is that he time and again urges the Israelites to continue to follow and obey the Lord. He repeated it a number of times in his speech. For example:

"So be careful not to break the covenant the Lord your God has made with you." Deuteronomy 4:23 

"Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy." Deuteronomy 5:33

"If you obey all His laws and commands, you will enjoy a long life." Deuteronomy 6:2

Moses urged them to obey God and not to wander off the road that He had planned for them. Moses knew how serious it was if they disobeyed God and followed their own path. He knew that God would then have to punish them and that His perfect plan for them would not come to pass. He clearly states that in Deuteronomy 4:26,27:

"If you disobey me, you will quickly disappear from the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy. You will live there only a short time; then you will be certainly destroyed. For the Lord will scatter you among the nations, where only a few of you will survive."

God had such wonderful good plans for the Israelites, but due to their disobedience, they threw it away and were exiled from the land of plenty.

And today we can learn this lesson as well. God has good plans for us as well, He really does, but sometimes we throw it away due to our disobedience. Mostly we follow our own heads and the advice of those around us and we are so busy living, that we tend to forget to ask God's guidance on issues in our lives. And even if we do ask His guidance, we are sometimes so open and vulnerable to others' ideas that we do not follow His advice.

If we want to move and live in the Lord's plans for our lives, we need to sit still and ask His advice. We need to get confirmation of what we believe He said to us and then of course we need to obey. That is the most important thing. The Israelites knew without any doubt what was expected of them, and yet they ignored God and His ways. And we shouldn't make the same mistake. If you know what to do, do it. And if you are uncertain what God's will in a specific situation is, then make sure that you honour Him in your actions, that you make time for Him and that you follow His principles of love. You cannot go wrong if you make God your primary concern.

Seek His face in all you do. He wants to be part of your life.

Father God, please help us to obey and follow You in all aspects of our lives. We want to seek Your face in all our endeavours, as we know that Your ways are always good. You have a plan for each of us, and we want to live inside Your Will. In Jesus Name. Amen

107. Share your spiritual journey

Moses was addressing the Israelites camped on the banks of the Jordan river. He told them to remember all that the Lord has done for them. He was quite adamant about it, as he knew that if they remembered all of God's provision in their lives, they will continue to follow and obey Him.

"Be very careful never to forget what you have seen the Lord do for you. Do not let these things escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren." Deuteronomy 4:9

Thus he warned them to always remember how the Lord had been with them, through thick and thin. And even more importantly he told them to pass it on to their children and grandchildren. The descendants had to know how wonderful God was and how He had looked after them for all those years and how miraculous His deeds are.

We should also remember all of God's wonderful provision and miracles in our lives. A few weeks ago I said that you should keep a spiritual journal and record all of God's messages and victories for you personally. And today I would like to emphasize it again. It is really rewarding to look back and to see how God had come through for you on several occasions. It strengthens your faith and it also gives you hope for the future.

Now besides keeping a journal, share your spiritual journey with your children and grandchildren as well. Tell them how God has helped you, share with them the Word God has placed in your heart and tell them of the wonderful future that lies ahead for all who believe in Jesus. Don't keep spiritual matters for yourself, but share them with your family. God works in families and He loves children. Jesus especially. He told His disciples to not keep the children away from Him, as the Kingdom of God belongs to them. Children are very open to spiritual matters and can easily be influenced. And therefore it is important that you influence them with the right doctrine and personal testimonies from a young age.

God wants us to grow in our faith and therefore He wants us to reminisce on His provision in our lives. Don't neglect it. It is a wonderful means of growing closer to God.

Father thank you that You always look after us. Thank you for Your provision and blessings in our lives. Help us to never forget it and to share it with our family and especially our children. In Jesus Name. Amen

106. God decides

The Israelites were still camped on the banks of the Jordan river and Moses was reminding them of how God had looked after them during their wilderness journey. And in Chapter 3 he tells them how desperately he wanted to enter the Promised Land along with them.

"At that time I pleaded with the Lord and said, O Sovereign Lord, I am Your servant. You have only begun to show me Your greatness and power. Is there any god in heaven or on earth who can perform such great deeds as Yours? Please let me cross the Jordan to see the wonderful land on the other side, the beautiful hill country and the Lebanon mountains." Deuteronomy 3:23-25

Poor Moses, he really wanted to go and see this beautiful land. His life for the past 40 years has evolved around this Promised Land and he desperately wanted to be part of their triumphant entry, the cherry on the cake so to speak. And what did God say?

"But the Lord was angry with me because of you, and He would not listen to me. "That's enough!" He ordered. "Speak of it no more. You can go to Pisgah Peak and view the land in every direction, but you may not cross the Jordan river. But commission Joshua and encourage him, for he will lead the people across the Jordan. He will give them the land you now see before you." Deuteronomy 3:26-29

God said no. And not only did He say no, but He told Moses to go and encourage Joshua. That must have been very difficult for Moses to do. He has led the Israelites for the past 40 difficult years and now Joshua has the chance to lead them into glory. Moses could easily have become bitter and jealous of Joshua, but he didn't. Listen to what he said to Joshua:

"Then Moses called for Joshua, and as all Israel watched he said to him, "Be strong and courageous! For you will lead these people into the land that the Lord swore to give to their ancestors. You are the one who will deliver it to them as their inheritance. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord is the one who goes before you. He will be with you; He will never leave nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:7,8

Wow, what a great leader and what a wonderful man. He wasn't bitter and didn't try and twist God's arm. He was faithful to the end and he blessed and encouraged Joshua just like God asked him to.

God might say no to you biggest wish too. He might not grant your heart's desire, and He might even bless your best friend or family member with the very thing you so desperately want. It will be very difficult and I might even foresee a couple of tears, but then we need to learn from Moses. Moses took his deepest wish to God and pleaded with Him and when He said no, he accepted it and was there for the one who was going to live his dream.

It feels so unfair and my heart is breaking for Moses as I am writing this and breaking for all those with unrealised wishes and dreams. But all I can say is that God is sovereign and He does what He deems best for all. He works for the glory and the benefit of the Body of Christ and one day we will understand it all. We only see small pieces of His Kingdom puzzle on our side, but one day we will get a full view of the bigger picture and we will understand it all. But for now, know that God will reward your faithfulness and He will be with you to wipe away your tears. Nothing will be in vain and if you follow God's Will for your life, your life will count as a big success in heaven.

Thank you Father that You have a specific plan for each one of us. Thank you that we can rest in the fact that everything will make sense in the bigger scheme of things. But please help us when the pain and the sadness get too much for us and lead us to where You want us to be. In Jesus Name. Amen

105. God rules

Moses is recounting the journey of the Israelites to them. And here he tells them something interesting. He recalls the time that they passed by the countries of the Edomites, Moabites and Ammonites. And God told them not to attack them, because He had given them their land. Concerning the Edomites, He said:

"Don't bother them, for I have given them all the hill country around Mount Seir as their property, and I will not give you any of their land." Deuteronomy 2:5

Concerning the Moabites, He said:

"Do not bother the Moabites, the descendants of Lot, or start a war with them. I have given them Ar as their property, and I will not give you any of their land." Deuteronomy 2:9

And concerning the Moabites, He said the same. Now this made me realise that God is control of countries. He decides which nationality will occupy which country. We think that we and our armies are in charge of our countries, but in fact God is. God is also in charge of rulers, He states that clearly in Jeremiah 27:5,6:

"By My great power I have made the earth and all its people and every animal. I can give these things of Mine to anyone I choose. Now I will give your countries to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, who is My servant. I have put everything, even the wild animals under His control."

Isn't that amazing? Here is Nebuchadnezzar, who wasn't even a believer at that stage, and God is using him for His own purposes. God also used Cyrus of Persia to accomplish His purpose.

"This is what King Cyrus of Persia says: The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has appointed me to build Him a Temple at Jerusalem in the land of Judah." Ezra 1:2

God is in control of nations. He also declares this when He announces His punishment later on Edom for not honouring Him:

"I will chase Edom from its land, and I will appoint the leader of My choice. For who is like Me, and who can challenge Me? What ruler can oppose My will?" Jeremiah 49:19

No one can oppose God. He reigns supreme over nations and over rulers. This is a difficult statement to accept if the rulers of the day are not God fearing and not acting in the best interest of their people. In fact there are a lot of tyrants in several countries today, killing thousands of people that stand in their way. Peter himself was living under the rule of such a tyrant, the notoriously cruel King Nero and yet he also tells us to accept all authority and to show respect for the king, no matter how evil he is (1 Peter 2:13,14).  It seems so unfair and we don't understand why. I can honestly say that I battle with it too and I cannot give you reasons today as to why God allows them to reign, but I know that it all falls into His plan. How? I don't know. But one thing I do know, and that is that He will work all things for the good of those who are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28).

And when I have more questions mulling around in my head, I page to Job 38-41 and I stand in awe of the wonder of God and I accept that He knows best. I will close off with a few verses from these chapters:

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me if you know so much. Do you know how its dimensions were determined and who did the surveying? What supports its foundations, and who laid its cornerstone as the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted with joy? Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? Can you hold back the movement of the stars? Do you know the laws of the universe and how God rules the earth?" Job 38:4,5,6,12,31,33

Father You know best. We don't understand. We see only from an earthly perspective, but You look at countries from a heavenly perspective. Please help us to respect our rulers and to pray for them even if we don't agree with them. We know You are in control and You are our King. You rule every country and we proclaim You as our King today. In Jesus' Name. Amen

104. Obey God, not the scouts

In Deuteronomy Moses is giving his last and final speech to the Israelites. And to start off his speech he reminds them of the journey that they took up and till the border of the Promised Land. And in Deuteronomy 1:19-46 he recounts the event of the scouts going out and exploring the land and how they got back and gave a negative report. He reminded them how they overreacted to the negative report and refused to enter the Promised Land. And he repeated to them what he had said:

"Don't be afraid! The Lord your God is going before you. He will fight for you, just as you saw Him do in Egypt. And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you again and again in the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now He had brought you to this place. But even after all He did, you refused to trust in the Lord your God, who goes before you looking for the best place to camp, guiding you by a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day." Deuteronomy 1:29-33

As you all know it was only after the Lord punished them for not trusting in Him that they repented and tried to enter the land on their own, which of course didn't work.

"Then you returned and wept before the Lord, but He refused to listen. So you stayed there at Kadesh for a long time." Deuteronomy 1:46

What a sad verse. I can just imagine how they sat there in the dust, filled with remorse and regret, with no prospects of a better future for them. They will all die aimlessly wandering through the wilderness. How different it could have been if they had trusted in the Lord. The scouts were only sent out to determine their battle strategy, not to determine if they should conquer the land. God had already given them the land, they simply needed to obey and take the first step, but they believed more in the negative account of the ten scouts, than in the power of the living God.

Today we need to learn that lesson too. We as humans are so inclined to believe in the negative rather than trusting in God. We would much rather stay where it is safe, than to venture out to a brighter future ahead. But we need to take a careful look at the Israelites and their lot for not trusting in God and realise that that might not be the best option.

When you decide to venture out of your comfort zone, there will most probably be giants and there will be fortified cities, but that is nothing compared to the power of the living God. He is mighty to save and He will be with you. If you are positive that God is leading you, there is no obstacle too big for Him to handle. A chance taken with God is better than looking back and wishing that you had moved out when God told you to.

May God be with you and may you be filled with the power of His Spirit, because God certainly didn't give us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind.

Father, please help us to listen to You when You tell us to move out. We don't want to be 'left behind' and we certainly don't want any regrets in our lives. Please give us the courage to follow You wherever You lead us. In Jesus' Name. Amen