Monthly Archives: October 2016

103. God's leaders and support structure

Moses was reflecting on their journey and conveying that to the people of Israel before they could enter the land. All of the Israelites (except for Caleb and Joshua) were younger than 20 years of age when they left Egypt, therefore most of the events that Moses were conveying to them, was unknown to most of them because they were too young to remember.

Now one of the events Moses was reminding them about was the time when he needed help, he couldn't bear the burden of the whole nation by himself:

"At that time I told you, You are too great a burden for me to carry all by myself. The Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars. And may the Lord the God of your ancestors, multiply you a thousand times more and bless you as He promised! But how can I settle all your quarrels, and problems by myself? Choose some men from each tribe who have wisdom, understanding and a good reputation, and I will appoint them as your leaders." Deuteronomy 1:9-13

Moses humbled himself and admitted that he needed help. It is quite a humbling experience for a leader of his stature to admit it, but he did and God blessed him because of it. Several leaders were chosen to help him and God also led them with His Spirit to make wise decisions.

Plus notice another thing, when he ordered them to choose leaders they didn't choose the most intelligent, or the people with charismatic personalities or the most handsome of them all. They chose those with wisdom, understanding and a good reputation.

The first lesson for me here is that great leaders admit it when they need help. They choose leaders to help them in their mission. They don't pretend that they are strong and can handle everything that comes their way, no, they admit that they cannot do everything and they delegate the tasks necessary. And on the flip side, those helping the leader are equally important and God is pleased with them as they continue to support him and his mission. God has a specific task for all and He will reward those that do their task with diligence and a submissive attitude towards God.

And the second lesson is that a good reputation, wisdom and understanding are more important than qualifications, good looks, riches and fame. We need to look at people from a Godly perspective and not a worldly view. God sees jewels in people that we would walk past. Therefore we need to pause now and again and put on our heavenly spectacles and see through God's eyes.

In all walks of life we need leaders and we need supportive followers. Both are equally important. Ask God to show you where you fit in and do your best in the position you are placed in. Then do your work with wisdom and understanding and earn a good reputation as someone who has a heart to follow God's ways.

Thank you God that I have a place in this world. Thank you that You have decided what it is from the foundation of the world. Please give me peace concerning my position and help me to do the best that I can. In Jesus Name. Amen


102. Follow God

The Israelites were poised and ready to take their Promised Land. But Moses first addressed them. He reminded them of what God had done for them in the past, he again stated God's Law and principles to them and he finally made a sincere call for a recommitment to God. Moses wanted to make sure that they were ready to enter into their dream land.

This made me wonder. If I were an Israelite, how would I have felt standing on the banks of the Jordan river? They were excited no doubt, but I think they might have been a bit nervous too. Put yourselves in their shoes.  All of them (except Caleb and Joshua) were 20 years and younger when they left Egypt. So in fact all most of them knew were the wilderness and Moses as their leader. They didn't know anything else. And here they were on the verge of a totally new chapter in their lives. They knew God was with them and they knew that there was a good land waiting for them, but there were fortified cities and giants waiting for them. They still had a 'mountain' to climb in getting rid of the occupants of the land, before they could settle and enjoy the land of plenty given to them. It must have felt like a formidable task lying ahead. But when God said they must move, they did, with pounding hearts and all.

The unknown is always a bit of a risk. For risk seekers it is fun, but for most people that are risk averse, it is a daunting prospect. But God was with them and as you probably know, He helped them in conquering the land that He had decided to give them.

Now what if God tells you today to move out? Will you do it? It is such a difficult question isn't it? We as humans so easily fall into a comfort zone. Even if the promised future is better than what we have at the moment, the future is unknown and it makes us scared sometimes. But God can tell us to move at any time. Sometimes we need to climb a mountain first like the Israelites had to, but if God is leading you out, you need to go and take the first step. He will help you.

The important thing is to take the first step. But before you do, do what Moses did. First of all, look back at how God has looked after you in the past. Pause and reflect again at how He has provided for you and gain confidence that He will help you in this future endeavour too. Secondly, make sure that you have God's principles inside and that you are walking in love, love for God and love for others. This is important, as you need to keep on God's pathway and within His will, otherwise you might make wrong detours on the path that He is leading you to. And in the third place, make a renewed commitment to God, because if you are not in fellowship with Him and if your relationship is not where it is supposed to be, you might miss His leading within the new adventure He is leading you into. It is important to be in tune with God and to follow His voice.

God had a bright future ahead for the Israelites, they simply needed to obey and follow Him. And the same is true for us. He has a bright future for us too, and when He tells us to go, we should follow closely in His footsteps to where He wants to lead us.

Thank you Father that we can look forward to a wonderful future with You. We must admit that we are scared sometimes and that we don't know where the road is leading us to, but thank you that we can know that You are in the future already. We look forward to Your guidance and help. In Jesus Name. Amen


101. God is preparing us

The Israelites were camped on the banks of the Jordan river, ready to go and possess their Promised Land. But before they could enter into the land, Moses was giving them his last and final speech. Their 40 year journey had finally come to an end.

The Israelites took 40 years to complete a journey that should have taken 11 days. First of all it was due to their disobedience that it took so long and second of all, God used the time in preparing them into the people that they should become. If they had possessed the land within 11 days, they would have entered the Promised Land with a slave mentality and they would have quite quickly turned into the same wicked people already possessing the land. We clearly saw that on their journey, how many times they fell for temptations and how many times they tested the Lord. God knew their hearts and therefore He had to prepare them for what was to come. He had to mould them into the people that He wanted them to be. He wanted them to represent His character and He wanted them to be a shining light to other nations and by being that draw other nations to Him as well.

And today God is the same. He will sometimes let us walk on pathways that we don't understand; wilderness walkways that cause discomfort and pain. And sometimes He will lead us on ways that do not make sense, but at the end of the day He is getting us ready for the role He wants us to play. Sometimes our journey will be tough and sometimes we will cry and wonder where all this is leading us, but if we place our lives in God's hands, He will lead us where He wants us to be. He will lead us towards our Promised Land where we can serve Him and be a shining light for other people to see. God wants us to draw our brothers and sisters towards Him as well, and therefore He wants us to be on a level where we can be the magnet drawing them in.

God wasn't just keeping the Israelites alive in the wilderness. He was looking after them and creating His character in them. And the same goes for you. Don't just survive, but work alongside God to fashion His character in you. Grow into the mature Christian God wants you to be and enter confidently into your Promised Land, knowing that you are a representation of Him and a living part of Him here on earth. We are here to grow His kingdom on earth. Do a good job of it and make Him proud. Don't be like the Israelites that failed quite soon after entering Canaan, but look past the temptations of this life unto the treasures awaiting us in His kingdom.

Dear Father, thank you that we have a Promised Land to look forward to. Thank you that You are preparing us for that. Help us to work alongside with You and to be the best representative that You want us to be. In Jesus Name. Amen

100. If God says I can, I can

The Israelites are on the verge of entering into the Promised Land, but before they do, Moses was going to give them a speech. The whole of Deuteronomy records Moses' speech to the Israelites. Here he reminds them of what God had done for them, he reminds them of the Law of God and encourages them to follow the principles of Godly living. He also calls on them for a renewed commitment towards God. We will have a look at the speech in the next couple of weeks. But what astounded me was that Moses gave this long a speech, in front of 2 million people. How they heard him is another story, but the fact is that he did speak to them. This is the same Moses that told God that he couldn't speak:

"Moses pleaded with the Lord, "O Lord, I am just not a good speaker. I never have been, and I'm not now, even after You have spoken to me. I'm clumsy with words." "Who makes mouths?" the Lord asked him. "Who makes people so they can speak or not speak, hear or not hear, see or not see? Is it not I the Lord? Now go and do as I have told you. I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say." Exodus 4:10-12

And here is Moses, 40 years later, giving a massive speech to 2 million people. Isn't that just amazing? God did help him. He was with him every single step of the way. God didn't fail Moses. The moment Moses stood up and followed God, God took over and turned his weaknesses into strengths.

There are several examples in the Bible of people that didn't think that they were good enough, but God used them mightily. For example Gideon didn't believe in himself, the moment God called him he pointed out that his clan was the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh and that he was the least in his whole family. But God used him mightily to defeat the Midianites. Another example is Paul. Paul felt that he wasn't good enough to serve Jesus due to his past. He was the one persecuting and killing the Christians, in fact persecuting Jesus Himself. But Jesus didn't let Paul's past stop Him, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, Paul became the most well known and respected Apostle. He wrote most of the New Testament books and has saint status today.

God sees the potential in every one of us and can use us despite our disabilities, past and weaknesses. He will lift us up and take over by His strength when we need it the most. We just need to follow in His footsteps and where He leads us and the rest is in His hands. We are good enough and we are royalty, part of His Kingdom and therefore we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. If God calls you, all things are possible. How does the saying go? Do your best and God will do the rest. What more can I say....

Thank you God that You see the potential in each one of us. We stand in awe of You. Thank you for believing in us and for helping us on our life's journey. We love and praise You. Amen


99. Reach your full potential

Whilst camping out close to the Jordan river, God gave Moses several instructions to follow once they enter the Promised Land. Moses in turn told Joshua and the leaders as he was not allowed to enter into Canaan. Now one instruction that God gave Moses was the boundaries of the land that they should conquer.

"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Give these instructions to the Israelites: When you come into the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your special possession, these will be the boundaries." Numbers 34:1,2

And then God gave them the boundaries of the land. The size of the land was generous and there was more than enough space for everyone. The sad part is that the Israelites never conquered the whole portion of the land given to them. They got tired before occupying the whole area destined for them. They got tired of fighting and settled for less than what God wanted to give them. In David's day they did occupy most of the land given to them after he conquered most of their enemies, but after the split of Israel and Judah they never again occupied their 'birthright'. They drifted away from God and in the end they were exiled from their land. Only in 1948 were they given the chance to return to their land, Israel, as rulers. But they are still not occupying the whole portion of land that God had promised them.

It makes me feel sad when I look at the Bible as a whole and realise that the Israelites never reached their full potential as God had planned for them. I know one day in the Millenium they will be the top nation and will stay in the area God had ordained for them. But for now, they haven't measured up. Why? In short, they loved this world and this world's gods too much.

The same applies to us. God wants to give us a generous portion of the 'Promised Land' here on earth. He wants to bless us and to lead us unto new heights. But we need to do our part. Last week I spoke about leaving sin in our lives behind and I would like to motivate you this week to not give up in your quest. We shouldn't get tired in the process of getting the 'Canaanites' out of our lives. We shouldn't slack and think that if we can get rid of 80% it is good enough. It is not. We need to continue moving forward, step by step and gaining the territory that is ours for the taking. Leave all sinful desires out on the curb, it is not worth it. God and the generous land He wants to bless us with is waiting, don't let it slip through your fingers just because you love this world's gods too much. Rather reach your full potential and be the vessel that God can use for the furtherance of His kingdom!

Father, thank you for blessing us with so much. We are so sorry that we don't always grab onto all that You want to give us. Please help us to leave our sinful desires and to gain victory in our lives over areas that don't please You. We want to follow You and Your ways. In Jesus Name. Amen


98. Put to death all sinful practices

The Israelites were camped close to the Jordan river, ready to move into the Promised Land. And whilst camping there, God gave them the following command:

"Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When you cross the Jordan river into the land of Canaan, you must drive out all the people living there. You must destroy all their carved and molten images and demolish their pagan shrines. Take possession of the land and settle in it, because I have given it to you to occupy." Numbers 33:51-53.

God told them to totally destroy the Canaanites, because He knew, that if the Israelites allow them to live, they will become like them and follow their customs and worship their gods. God also gave them a warning:

"But if you fail to drive out the people who live in the land, those who remain will be like splinters in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will harass you in the land where you live. And I will do to you, what I had planned to do to them." Numbers 33:55,56

This was serious. If they obeyed they would prosper, if they didn't, God will punish them like He planned to punish the Canaanites. The choice was clear and the consequences spelt out. Unfortunately they didn't listen...

And this lesson applies to us today as well. We have to get rid of sinful behaviour in our lives. Jesus died to free us from our sinful natures and to give us a new nature that is like His. He died to set us free from the power of sin, just like the Israelites were freed from the power of Pharoah. And just as God led them to the Promised Land, Jesus also guides us to our own Promised Land, filled with all He wants to offer us. But we need to let go of sin in our lives that are like the Canaanites. Listen to what Paul had to say:

"Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not only think about things down here on earth. For you died when Christ died, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lust and shameful desires. Don't be greedy for the good things of this life, for that is idolatry." Colossians 3:1-3,5

The choice for us is clear as well. Follow the ways of God with all your heart and set your sights on heaven, or continue with the sinful practices in your life and see how they become splinters in your life like the Canaanites of old was to the Israelites. I know most of us don't see anything wrong with 'small' sins, but the problem is 'small' sins, like small splinters, can cause a lot of discomfort and pain in the long run. God wants us free, He wants to bless us in our Promised Land and He wants us to thrive. But if we continue in sin and nurture the sin in our lives, we are inviting pain into our lives that are totally unnecessary and we might also experience the discipline of God. Hebrews 12 clearly speaks about God disciplining His children to leave sin behind and to follow His ways. But wouldn't it be better to rather leave the sin ourselves? And strive to be more like Jesus?

I know that to be sinless is wishful thinking, but as we move into maturity, it is possible to come close. Leave the sin you clearly know is prevalent in your life and start to experience the joy of living in the Promised Land.

Father, please forgive us for following and loving sinful practices in our lives. Please give us the strength and the determination to 'put to death' all sin lurking around in our lives. We want to follow You and Your loving ways and we want to live in the Promised Land without splinters hindering our joy there. In Jesus Name. Amen

97. Keep a spiritual journal (1)

The Israelites were ready to go in and conquer their Promised Land. But before they could, they reflected on several things first. Amongst others, the whole Law of God was recited to them again in order to ensure that they knew it off by heart before they encountered the godless Canaanites. Another thing they reflected on was the journey that they took. God had told Moses to keep record of their progress throughout the wilderness.

"At the Lord's direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress. These are the stages of their march, identified by the different places they stopped along the way." Numbers 33:2

Here Moses reflected again on the journey that they took. Each place where they have been are mentioned and recorded here. And I can just imagine Moses reflecting on each and being grateful to God that they had come this far.

In our Christian journey it is also helpful to keep record of things that God had placed in your heart and of the progress that you are making on a spiritual level. I have a journal where I write down what God has placed in my heart, text verses that people give me, prophecies that have been spoken over my life as well as spiritual events that happen in my life.

I have found this journal to be very helpful for three reasons. One, I can see the story of my spiritual growth unfolding. It is wonderful to see the similarities between different events and to realise that God is confirming certain things for me. It gives me hope and it strengthens my faith. Secondly when I reach a low point in my spiritual journey, it is helpful to page through my high points and to be comforted again that God is busy with something big in my life. It also helps me to realise the growth that have taken place in my life and to be grateful for God's hand in my circumstances. It comforts me to see His provision and it makes me realise that He will provide again in the future. Nothing is too big or too difficult for Him. And thirdly, reading through my journal helps me not to make the same spiritual mistakes again. I have found myself battling with the same issue a couple of times, only months apart and it was only when I started to record it and read it on an ad hoc basis that I realised that I am not making progress in this area. I had to force myself then to rethink my situation and to really put an end to my struggle with it. God is gracious and good en He certainly helped me to do just that.

Try and keep a spiritual journal. You don't need to record something every day, but only when something relevant happens in your journey. You will find that it will aid your spiritual growth and will lift you up when you need it the most. It is worth a try.

Father God, thank you that we are growing spiritually with You. Thank you that You aid us in our growth. We want to grow closer to You every day, that is our deepest heart's desire. And thank you that we can know that Your Spirit is always there to help us. Thank you Jesus. Amen

57. Prophecy over South Africa - 2014

South Africa, My country, My heart bleeds for you. You bring so many calamities on yourself, so many heartaches that could have been avoided. Yet My Will will stand tall. My plan for South Africa will prevail.

My plan is for a light to shine brightly within the darkness in South Africa. And this light, even though it is small, will ripple out for all to notice. My people, My children just need to continue in prayer. Don't get tired and discouraged if you don't see change. Keep on praying, I need determined prayer warriors to take a stand for My values in this country.

The battle with evil in this country will only be won spiritually, not in the natural. No fight in the natural will accomplish much. Only dedicated prayer will drive the evil away. So stand tall and don't allow the negativity surrounding you to influence you. You need to be focused on the job at hand. And if you are, breakthroughs will start to happen. And it will. Little by little My kingdom will obtain a foothold where it matters most and My glory will shine forth for all to see.

Wonders are in My hands, ready to be unleashed, but you are My hands and feet. You need to set it free through your prayers. Stand up and stand tall, don't look around you, but look up to Me. I am your hope and your Savior. I am the One with the universe in My hands. Turn therefore to Me and I will unleash My heavenly hosts upon the forces of darkness and you will stand amazed at the power of prayer. I am the morning star, promising a better day.

96. Think before you speak

The tribes of Gad, Reuben and half the tribe of Manasseh owned vast numbers of livestock. And when they saw that the lands of Jazer and Gilead on the east side of the Jordan river were well suited for their livestock, they wanted to remain there. They didn't want to go and live in the Promised Land with the other tribes, as all that they ever wanted were right there. But even though they didn't want to live in the Promised Land, they were prepared to help the other nine and a half tribes to conquer their portion of the land. They were prepared to do just that, because the other tribes helped them in conquering the land that they were going to live in.

So they went to Moses to ask him whether it would be okay if they can have the land on the east side of the Jordan river. Moses immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion. He didn't finish listening to them and started to argue with them.

"Do you mean you want to stay back here while your brothers go across and do all the fighting?" Moses asked the Reubenites and Gadites. "Are you trying to discourage the rest of the people of Israel from going across to the land the Lord has given them?" Numbers 32:6,7. "The Lord was furious with Israel and made them wander in the wilderness for forty years until the whole generation that sinned against Him had died. But here you are, a brood of sinners, doing exactly the same thing! You are making the Lord even angrier with Israel." Numbers 32:13,14

Moses immediately reacted and thought the worst of them. He gave a whole speech to them without even giving them a chance to respond. I only excerpted a piece of the speech here, but he certainly gave them a piece of his mind. It was only when he gave them a chance to respond that they could put his mind at ease that they were merely asking for the land, after they had helped their brothers to defeat their enemies.

We are sometimes like Moses as well. We respond too quickly and easily jump to the wrong conclusions. We assume the worst even before we have heard the other side of the story. A story always has two sides and we need to make sure that we have the whole picture before we respond. We also need to think before we speak. We need to rather gather all the facts together and carefully contemplate as to what to say, before we open our mouths. If we do that, we will save ourselves a lot of heartache. Words said can never be withdrawn. It is better to breathe in deeply and carefully think what needs to be said.

David tells us the secret to having a long life in Psalm 34:12-14:

"Do any of you want to live a life that is long and good? Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies! Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others."

Did you notice the first secret to a long life? Watch your tongue! James also warns against this in James 1:26:

"If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself and your religion is worthless."

Don't have a worthless religion. Get all the facts of a situation together and think before you speak. You will save yourself a lot of regret and heartache.

Father please give us the patience and self control before we open our mouths. Please help us to rather consider all the aspects to a certain situation, to pray about it and then to speak Your words over a situation. We pray it in Jesus' Name. Amen

96. Remember to thank God

As we have seen last week, the Israelites took vengeance on the Midianites and killed all 5 their kings as well as all their men. They totally demolished the tribe, because God was with Israel. Afterward with the division of the spoils the military commanders noticed something:

"Then all the military commanders came to Moses and said, "Sir, we have accounted for all the men who went out to battle under our command; not one of them is missing!" Numbers 31:48, 49

How amazing is that? I don't think we see many battles now or in the past without even one casualty. It is a miracle in itself and clear to see that God was with them and helped them in this battle. And what did the commanders do?

"We are therefore presenting the items of gold we captured as an offering to the Lord from our share of the plunder - armbands, bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces. This will make atonement for our lives before the Lord." Numbers 31:50

How beautiful as that? They didn't take the glory and the honor for themselves, but they recognised God's hand in it all and gave glory to Him. And they gave glory to Him in a tangible form through giving their gold to Him. They praised Him for His help.

When I read this I immediately thought of all the times that I prayed over something and God listened to my prayers and I never went back and thanked Him for the wonderful way that things turned out. We are so inclined to go on and think that the way things turn out is just the way it is supposed to be and we never consider God's hand in it. Or even worse, afterward we take credit for the smooth way things turned out. We credit the turn of events to our talents or the hard work that we put in that paid off, or to fate. But God is ever present turning events into His and our favour. He is always there to help His children and gratitude on our parts would be well received.

Only one of the ten lepers that were healed returned to thank Jesus for what He had done for them. And Jesus immediately asked where the other nine were. Why didn't they return to thank Him? We shouldn't be like the other nine cured lepers. We should be like the one that came back and thanked God. And even more than that we should be like the military commanders that physically did something to thank God for His provision. We shouldn't just sit back and receive, but we should reach out to others and bless them and thereby live a life of gratitude towards God.

Remember next time to thank God for listening to your prayers and acting on your behalf. Maybe even keep a prayer journal if you are worried that you forget. We tend to forget so easily in our rushed lives. And when you page through your prayer journal praise and thank God for the way He looks after you.

Father please forgive us if we take all that You do for us for granted. We appreciate the fact that we do have a Father that is always there for us. We love You and thank You for Your ever present provision and kindness towards us. In Jesus Name. Amen