37. True beauty

Abraham sent his faithful servant, Eliezer, on a mission to his home country to find a wife for Isaac. Abraham wanted a godly wife for his son and sent Eliezer back to his relatives to bring back a wife for Isaac. And as we saw last week they dedicated the mission to God and left it in His hands to help them with it.

Today we will start again with the prayer of Eliezer:

"O Lord, God of my master," he prayed. "Give me success and show kindness to my master, Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey. See, here I am, standing beside this spring, and the young women of the village are coming out to draw water. This is my request. I will ask one of them for a drink. If she says, "Yes, certainly, and I will water your camels, too!" - let her be the one You have appointed as Isaac's wife. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master." Genesis 24:12-14

At first when I read this, I thought that the request he had was reasonable. Surely it wasn't that hard work to water the camels too? But then I read in a note in my Bible that it was custom in that day for foreigners/travellers to ask the young women to draw water for them from the well. But it wasn't custom for the young women to water the camels too. The note says that it took a lot of water to quench the thirst of one camel, up to 95 litres of water for one camel. Now Eliezer had ten camels and therefore about 950 litres were necessary to quench their thirst! Now for any young woman that is a lot of water to draw out of the well and carry to the camels! And then I understood that Eliezer was asking the Lord that he was looking for someone who will be prepared to water the camels of a stranger without any compensation. He was looking for someone with inner beauty and a servant's heart. Someone who will be willing to serve and help others.

We all spend a lot of money and time on outward appearances. We follow all the latest dieting and exercising trends and if we have enough money we will also spend it on beauty treatments. Now there is nothing wrong with looking after ourselves and being the best we can be, but how much time and effort do we spend on developing our inner beauty? We have a new person created inside of us the moment we believed in Jesus Christ and we need to let that new person grow. We need to spend time in growing this new person into the beautiful being God created him to be. This new person is lovely and desirable. I have never seen an ugly person glowing with the love, joy and peace of the Lord on the inside. People on fire for the Lord has a certain glow about them and a radiance that flows out to all those around them. People like that are attractive and lure all people in and draw them closer to God. We all need to be like that. We need to glow like Moses did after he returned from Mount Sinai. We need to spend so much time in God's presence that His beauty will become our beauty and His attractive nature become our nature. Then we can truly live out our calling here on earth, as the beautiful vessels He created us to be.

Father, we are so sorry that we look at the worldly model for what is beautiful and what is not. Rather we want to look up to You, spend time with You and be like You in this world. Then we are truly beautiful, radiating love and peace to all around. Amen

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