8. Just keep going

Last week we saw that the Jews continued to build the Temple, though the foundations were much smaller than the Temple Solomon built. They cried at the small beginnings. But God was with them and they continued to build the Temple despite the fact that the Temple will be less imposing and spectacular than Solomon's was.

Yet, whilst building the Temple they experienced severe opposition from their adversaries:

'Then the people of the land tried to discourage the people of Judah. They troubled them in building, and hired counselors against them to frustrate their purpose all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia." Ezra 4:4, 5

The opposition grew worse and worse and eventually they stopped building God's Temple and left it in ruins (Ezra 4:24). But God was not happy with this. He wanted them to finish the Temple. He sent two prophets to encourage them to continue building, Haggai and Zechariah. Fortunately they listened and started building the Temple again. Of course the opposition immediately arose again and came against them with force. But God was with them. He ordained that King Darius command the enemies of God to stay away from the building of the Temple AND not only that but to help them rebuild it AND pay them the full construction cost for the temple AND to give them without fail all they need. It was a true miracle from God's side (Ezra 6:6-12). God came through in a mighty way and forced their enemies to help them in every way possible. Again Ezra 7:28 and 8:31 declares that God's hand was on them. And Ezra 5:5 declares that God was watching over the rebuilding. The temple was finally completed in 516 BC, 20 years after their return from exile.

You see when you walk in the will of God, on the pathway that He has chosen for you, you can expect opposition. Satan hates it when you are walking in God's divine plan for your life and he will do anything to stop you/discourage you. So when you truly know that you are on God's pathway for your life, rejoice when opposition comes. It only means that you are on the right route. Just do not stop with what you know you should do. Do not give up like the Jews did. God wants you to continue even if it is hard.

And when you do continue, He will help you. He will cause your enemies to turn in shame and even help you. He is mighty and will not leave you to suffer on your own. He will always be there. He will always come and stretch out His mighty hand. Look forward to see God's work in your life. Live a life of expectancy. Stand up in the mornings, expecting to see good manifesting. God is always there and loves it when His children walk in His pathways with courage.

Father, please help us on Your pathway for our lives. It is not always easy and the opposition sometimes gets a bit tough for us. Thank you that You are with us every step of the way, more than willing to help. You are an amazing Father, standing beside Your children always. Hallelujah! Amen


1 comment for “8. Just keep going”

  1. Gravatar of HenriHenri
    Posted Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 1:46:19 PM

    What an inspiring passage for us as Christians individually and for the challenges facing South Africa today.

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