29. Do things the right way around

Last week we finished with all the symbolism locked up in the ten water basins and carts alongside the Temple. Today I want us to draw all the meanings together and see if we can come to one message portrayed to us today concerning the water basins and carts.

First of all we had a look at the number of water basins and what it represents and we came to the conclusion that it means that we are living under grace and not under the Law anymore. We are cleansed and received the righteousness of Christ as a gift from Him.

Secondly we had a look at the oxen engraved on the panels. They represent Christians who are strong, loyal, hardworking, groundbreakers, dedicated to Him and Him alone.

Thirdly we had a look at the lions engraved on the panels. We found that lions depict to us ruler ship, boldness and mighty power. We have all of this, because of His mighty Spirit inside of us! All majesty and power and glory are due to the Lion of Judah that overcame sin and Who will rule this world for all eternity.

Fourthly we had a look at the cherubim engraved on the panels. We came to the conclusion that it depicts that we must stay close to God, in His presence. We should be defenders of all that is good and continue praising His holy Name.

And lastly we had a look at the palm trees engraved on the panels. We concluded that we must walk in the victory that Jesus bought at the cross for us. We should give honor to Him, praise Him and then flourish where we are planted.

So let us see what message God wants us to hear loud and clearly through all of this. He wants us to stay close to Him, clothed with His righteousness, standing in His victory. There in His presence we are surrounded by mighty power and the ultimate Ruler ship, equipping us for the road ahead. We realize that this is all grace and then (and only then) can we step out and be strong groundbreakers for Him, standing up for what is right, all the way praising His glorious Name and flourishing where we are!

Wow, what a powerful message!

In our society we often get the order wrong. We are well-meaning Christians, trying our utmost best. But we start running, trying to be strong, groundbreakers, loyal and hardworking. We try to stand up for what is right and we try to do the right thing. And when things get tough, when things are not running as smoothly as we would have hoped, we get tired, discouraged and run down. But it is because we have it all wrong. We need to start first and foremost in His Presence. We need to dwell there, breathe in His heavenly air and soak up His presence. We need to listen; we need to allow Him to love us and to guide us on the right route. And in His presence, we need to KNOW that we are forgiven, righteous and surrounded by His power. We need to understand that He is Ruler overall and will lead us, we need to know that He has already won, that He has already brought the victory for us and that we needn't fight for it anymore.

Then and only then, are we ready to step out. Our minds need to be renewed with this knowledge, we need to be filled to the brim with Him, we need to hear His Voice clearly as to the road we must walk in and then we can step out. Then we can walk and praise His Name as far as we go. We can break the hard ground for Him, we can be strong by His power and doing the right thing will just come naturally. When you flow by His grace in the wisdom of His Spirit, you will not get run down or discouraged, because you will be led by Him. He will be beside you, taking every step with you. He will lead and guide you where He wants you. And that is super special. A life lived in His will is a successful life in His eyes. And that is good enough for me.

So come, follow Him, be with Him, and listen to Him. In His presence you will find everything, all life's questions answered. He is waiting for you.

Father we glorify and praise Your Name. You are amazingly awesome. Thank you for everything that You bought for us. Thank you for Your grace and love towards us. You gave it all for us even though we are undeserving. We glorify Your Holy Name and praise You forever. We love You. Amen


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