43. Create positive emotions

As part of the PERMA model we started last week I would like to discuss the first letter P:

P - Positive Emotions

If you think logically about it, positive emotions are about feeling good and therefore it is the quickest path to finding happiness. But in our day and age, positive emotions are fleeting and few and far in between, but they are still very important. Therefore, we need to make a conscious effort in finding them. They are all part and parcel of what Jesus came to give us, but sometimes we get so lost in the demands of this world that we lose sight of them. It is then that we need to look for them again and open our hearts to receiving it. First, let's just have a look at a few positive emotions: faith, joy, hope, empathy, gratitude, and the greatest of all, love. For God is love, and in Him is all good things. God wants us to dwell and to savor positive emotions. He created them. Of course there comes times when we might be angry or upset, we can use those emotions too, but the quicker we can bounce back to positive emotions the better for us and our overall well-being.

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to cultivate more positive emotions in our lives:

  1. Make a list of things that make you happy. Write on the list things that can easily be done on a weekly/monthly basis. For example, you like to spend time alone with God, you like to exercise, you love romantic movies, you enjoy baking, you love chocolate chip ice cream, you love reading action novels, you love creamy coffee, or you love watching and playing sports. Whatever the case may be. But it must be controllable things that you enjoy. Do not put things on your list that are dependent on others; for example, it makes you happy if your kids get along with one another. Now that might make you happy, but you have no control over it. So do not put it on your list. Rather, put things on your list that you enjoy doing and that you have full control over. Then do it on purpose. Make sure that you get to your happy list on a regular basis. Make a point to do at least one of the things on your list every day, and while you are doing it, consciously think how happy this makes you feel. This is truly powerful and will allow for regular positive emotions to flow through you. God has blessed us with so many things to enjoy in our lives, and we need to make sure that we do themJ.
  2. Despite all the negativity all around you, make sure to listen to positive messages too. Try to listen to Christian podcasts regularly. Hearing of Jesus and how wonderful He is and about what He has done for you truly opens doors in your heart to experience positive emotions. We need to hear positive messages regularly, despite all the negative news surrounding us.
  3. Practice gratitude on a regular basis. Frequently write down or simply meditate on things in your life that you can be grateful for. Also, try to think of different things to be grateful for every day. We all have so much to be grateful for, so do not think of the same things every day. When we think of things to be grateful for and express it, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel "good." They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside (https://positivepsychology.com/neuroscience-of-gratitude/ - 3 March 2022). Allow me to share the following quotes with you about gratitude; they are truly profound and can impact your life in such a rewarding way:
    1. "Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy and transform ordinary opportunities into blessings." Proverb - (https://positivepsychology.com/neuroscience-of-gratitude/ - 3 March 2022)
    2. "Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy-because we will always want to have something else or something more." Br. David Steindl-Rast (https://gratefulness.org/resource/what-is-gratitude/ - 3 March 2022)
    3. "We cannot be grateful for all that a given moment brings us; yet, in any given moment, we can be grateful for something. The gift within the gift of any given moment is opportunity." Br. David Steindl-Rast (https://gratefulness.org/resource/what-is-gratitude/ - 3 March 2022)
    4. "Grateful living is important in the world because in our constant pursuit of more and better we can easily lose sight of the riches that lay right in front of us and within us." Guri Mehta (https://gratefulness.org/resource/what-is-gratitude/ - 3 March 2022)

The Bible also exalts gratefulness. God knows how important it is for our well-being. There are many verses, but allow me to just highlight two of them:

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

"So you shall rejoice in every good thing which the Lord your God has given to you and your house" (Deuteronomy 26:11).

Gratefulness is an essential key to happiness and to living a flourishing life. There is a richness locked inside that is priceless. Cling on to that and make sure that you express your gratitude on a daily basis.

  1. We will talk about relationships in the next devotions, but I would just like to briefly mention here that you must make sure that you have friends who can make you feel good about yourself and who will help to evoke positive emotions in your life. If you are surrounded by negative people all the time it will drag you down. People with low energy levels will sap you of yours. Of course God wants us to interact with all people to bring them closer to Him, but make sure that you have godly friends close to you who will lift you up and bring you even closer to God where all positive emotions reside. Make close friends on purpose with people who lift you up. They will help elevate you. Research has shown that you become a lot like the five people you interact with the most. Therefore, choose wisely who you allow into your inner circle. It will truly impact your world more than you think.
  2. Laugh. Try to laugh as much as you can. As Victor Hugo says:

"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ( https://ir5.irishnight.org/bible-verse-that-says-laughter-is-the-best-medicine/ - 3 March 2022)


The Bible affirms this and says that laughter is the best medicine that there is: "A merry heart does good like medicine" (Proverbs 17:22).

Research also shows that humor can help to assist with academic excellence. Students who studied with humor achieved much higher marks than those who didn't. (www.hannahfitzsimmons2018wordpress.com - 3 March 2022)


This applies to all areas in life. Humor makes life so much easier and more manageable. It also keeps you healthy like the Bible just taught us. A couple of years ago, I homeschooled my youngest son for a year. He has a great sense of humor, whilst I am more serious about academics and I wanted to get the work done asap. But he always wanted to make a joke first. In the beginning I was so annoyed and simply started working, but God reprimanded me and said that I must loosen up, learn from my son, and enjoy life in between all the chores. I listened and really enjoyed his humor and laughed more than I had in a decade. It was good for me and taught me to see the lighter side of life. I mean, look at all the different funny-looking monkeys and fishes that God created; some of them are truly comical to look at! God has a very good sense of humor. Therefore, try to see amusing things all around you. Spend time on purpose with people who make you laugh or look at clean comedy shows that are funny or even try to laugh at yourself! It is truly liberating. As my father always says: "Tread lightly in life, do not take it so seriously, then you will do well."


(Excerpt from Flourishing: God's Way by Ilze Henderson)


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