9. The fruit of the Spirit manifesting in the present moment

We should follow the "easy route" and find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in the presence of God. Through spending time in God's presence in the present moment, His good work will produce fruit in our lives. The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) will reach maturity if we allow ourselves to be in His presence in the present moment. When we rest in His presence, He will consume us with His Spirit, and fill us with all the treasures that are ours for the taking.

Let's think about it for a moment. When we add the "present moment" to our thinking, a whole new dimension in the fruit of the Spirit opens up. Just ponder the concept. We will have so much more patience if we just focus on now and not on everything we still need to do. We will have more peace if we don't have to worry about tomorrow. We will have more joy if we don't live in the past and relive all the horrible things done to us. We will display more kindness and goodness if we only focus on now, what we can do to help someone in need right now, and not focus on the multitudes that also need help. We will exercise more self-control if our focus is on Him, and how we can glorify His Name in this specific situation. We will display more love if we forget about how people have disappointed us in the past. We will be more faithful in the presence of God if we do what He has placed in our hearts right now and not extend it to some future date. In fact, everything will be easier for us if we can control our minds and stay focused on our wonderful God in the present moment.

The fruit of the Spirit is inherent to God, and if we allow Him to consume us, it will automatically be part of us too. God is the great I AM; He is here right now. And we are part of Jesus' Body (Ephesians 1:23) right now. Not at some future date, but now. The new creation within us is part of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and they are eternal. Jesus Himself said that He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last (Revelation 22:13). He is forever eternal, and, therefore, we are too. We are connected to the One Who is present everywhere and Who lives forevermore. So we can be filled with His presence even more and display His fruit for all to see. There are no more places for regrets, being unforgiving and the old creation in Him. In Him, all things become new. All things are eternal and never ending. There is no more sorrow or pain, just unspeakable joy.

(Excerpt from The Second Creation - Ilze Henderson)


2 comments for “9. The fruit of the Spirit manifesting in the present moment”

  1. Gravatar of Ronelle van LoggerenbergRonelle van Loggerenberg
    Posted Monday, 20 March 2023 at 8:28:13 PM

    The power of NOW is a very real and important concept. Yesterday is gone tomorrow may not come, so all we have is now!! Make it count...

  2. Gravatar of MariMari
    Posted Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at 2:47:44 PM

    Ja dit is so. Ons moet vandag di tyd uitkoop & positief uitleef & net al di mooi herinneringe koester in ons hart. En dit kanons ook net doen as Hy ons die krag & moed gee

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